My V3 Log!


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Jul 16, 2007
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Sorry I didn't start this on the day my eggs hatched... but I'll just start from where my tama's are now! Right now I have 2 V3 Tamas: Ollie & Zack, and obviously both are boys! Zack is a Gozarutchi :( , ( 3 years old ) and Ollie is a Hidatchi ( sorry there wasn't one for a Hidatchi... lol ), ( 4 years old ) and are both in their second generation right now. ( When they were in their first generation, they mated with each other. The parents names are Miley & Cody. Miley was a Paparatchi, and Cody was a Hanatchi ) So... if your wondering what type of child and teen they were... both Ollie & Zack were tamatchi's as a kid and hashitamatchi's as a teen! Isn't that wierd? Well... they are brothers...

So... I'll keep coming back whenever something exciting happens, or if I have something to say about them!

:nyatchi: ~Cherry.pie

I can't wait until the matchmaker comes for Ollie & Zack! She'll probably come when they're both 7 years old! That's in about 3-4 days! Darn... I have to wait... Oh well, I'll live!

For the next generation, I want to try to get either a Mametchi, a Pyonkotchi, or a Furawatchi! :( They're all so cute! And I've never gotten any of them!!! I usually get either a Hanatchi, a Gozarutchi, or a Tarakotchi, ( so actually I'm surprised I got a Paparatchi for Miley, the mom, & a Hidatchi for Ollie! Yay something different! Finally! lol )

So... if anyone knows how to get either a Mametchi, Pyonkotchi, or a Furawatchi, please let me know! Usually all the tricks to get a specific tamagotchi species never work... so if you have something that works, let me know! lol thx

I'll keep you all posted! ( Literally ) about Ollie & Zack!

:nyatchi: ~Cherry.pie

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Ollie woke up at exactly 9:00 this morning. I'm guessing that Zack will wake up at 10:00. ( The time that is says I posted this is wrong... It's an hour early... ) That's weird that they don't wake up at the same time...

I really hope there's a ticket for sale in my shop sometime soon... I want to have Ollie take a trip! His mom, Miley, has been on two! One by herself and one when Ollie was a baby... ( I don't think Ollie remembers it... ) When the tickets arrive, I'm hoping they're going to be for either Hawaii, Switzerland, or China! I've gotten a ticket for everything before, except China! I have some very lucky tamas! :angry:

At about lunch time today, I think I'm going to go to tamatown! I haven't been there in a while! Ollie & Zack want to see their parents really bad! Even though they've already gotten gifts from both of them, they just love to see them! When we're there, I'm probably going to get Ollie & Zack some lunch, ( since sushi and apples can get really boring... ) Since a Hidatchi's favorite food is a drumstick, I'll get that for Ollie. Zack's favorite food is a hot dog... & I think I have one of those already, so I don't have to buy anything more... except some soda & fries! yum... :angry:

Anyways... I'll keep you all posted!

^_^ ~Cherry.pie

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Now that Zack woke up, ( at exactly 10:00 ) I'm going to take them to tamatown! They're going to love it! Ollie's been there countless times, but Zack hasn't been there at all! But don't worry, Zack's older brother will show him around! ;)

I going to get Ollie & Zack to be best friends on the friendship meter! So far, they're both at the 'good friends'... but I want them to be best friends! ( Since they are brothers... )

Well, I gotta take Ollie & Zack to tamatown! Yay! :lol:

I'll keep you all posted!

:( ~Cherry.pie

By the way... If you wanted to visit Ollie & Zack's mom, you can! ;)

Just go to & then go to the V3 button. Once it asks for your username, type in: Rylie

Then go to the 'parents' house. ( not the grandparents! ) & type in either of these codes:

32029 22085

14647 82005

Have fun visiting our mom! She's really sweet!

Well, gotta go back to tamatown now! Ollie & Zack are getting hungry! ( They're each going to have their favorite foods! Drumstick & Hot Dog! :lol: )

I'll keep you all posted!

:( ~Cherry.pie

We're in Tamatown right now!!! Ollie & Zack both love it here! We're going to go see a movie right now! We're going to get some popcorn & soda... Ollie & Zack want to see Zack's movies! ;) The racing movie & the hide-and-seek movie... it's pretty good. Zack's happy he's in some movies! lol

Ok... now we're going to the food court to get some lunch... Ollie's going to have a drumstick & Zack's going to have a hot dog ( like I told you all earlier... ) Great news! They both are very very happy now that they got to eat their favorite foods! yay! :lol:

Well... that pretty much sums up our trip to tamatown... maybe we'll go again sometime this summer! Hopefully next time, we'll get some shopping done! :lol: Maybe we'll even let Zack go & see the King!!! ( Ollie's seen the King 3 times already! The King's a nice fellow... :lol: )

Well, I'll keep you all posted!

:( ~Cherry.pie

Well, now that we're back from tamatown, Ollie & Zack are going to start excersizing! :lol: Ollie's 78lbs, & Zack's 97lbs... eek! They're very overweight... We're going to play a LOT of games now... Wish us luck! :lol: We're going to get a LOT of points for all those games... awesome!

Anyways... I tell you when they're done, & how much points they have!!! lol

:p ~Cherry.pie

Well, I just played a TON of games with Ollie... & now he weighs................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................49lbs!!!

He lost about 30lbs! I played a ton of games... so now Ollie has about 7000GP! :eek: I haven't started working on Zack yet... sorry Zack! I'll play more games with them later... right now, I'm tired of playing games... But can you believe I had Ollie lose about 30lbs! That's awesome!!! I played BUMP & HEADING with him. I'm really good at HEADING, & since he was overweight, BUMP was easy too.

Well... that's pretty much it... I think... yep... I really really really really really really really really really want the Matchmaker to come to Ollie & Zack! I'm going to have to wait about 2-3 more days! Urg... :( ahwell... I'll just work on getting them both in shape until then I guess...

Well... I think I'm done posting for today... ( I did a lot of posts today, in case you didn't notice... :( )

Well... bye :(

:D ~Cherry.pie

By the way... these are the tamas I have..:



( Click on them to see them! )

Hope you like them! I'm hoping to get another V3, so they can all be friends! :( If I don't... ahwell... I love the ones I have now! :(

Anyways... NOW I think I'm done posting for today... lol :(

:D ~Cherry.pie

Ok... I'm back online... <_<

I got Ollie to weigh 33lbs!!! I still haven't started on Zack yet... he's still 93lbs... hehe

Well, I think that's it... If I think of anything else to say, then I'll post again...

:D ~Cherry.pie

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Hi again!!! :lol: I just felt like making a list of all the items that Ollie & Zack have... so here it is!

Ollie's Stuff~

  • Weights
  • RC Car
  • Umbrella
  • Cuckoo Clock
  • RC Car 2
  • Rare Costume
  • Clone
  • Pen
  • Wings
  • Sun Glasses
  • Cap
  • Doll
  • Building Blocks
  • Music
  • Drum
  • Stuffed Animal ( costume )
  • Gramo-Phone
  • Royal Costume
  • Music Disc
  • Bow Tie
  • Roller Skates
  • Wig
  • RC Toy
  • Mirror

Zack's Stuff~

  • Cuckoo Clock
  • RC Car 2
  • Clone
  • Pen
  • Building Blocks
  • Umbrella
  • Cap
  • Pencil
  • Music Disc

Obviously... I've been working on Ollie's list more than I have been working on Zack's list... I'm just trying to figure out how much stuff one tama can have! :lol: Now all I need is a ticket or two... lol I'm still hoping to find a ticket in my shops... There haven't been any yet though... obviously... or I would have told you all :lol:

Well... That's it for now...

:nyatchi: ~Cherry.pie

Here's Ollie's & Zack's current status:


Hungry: 4 out of 4

Happy: 3 out of 4

Training: 9 out of 9

Years: 4

Weight: 36lbs

Name: Ollie

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 9239


Hungry: 4 out of 4

Happy: 4 out of 4

Training: 9 out of 9

Years: 4

Weight: 99 ( I'm still working on it... :lol: )

Name: Zack

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Points: 799

Well... NOW I believe that's it... :lol:

:nyatchi: ~Cherry.pie

OMG YAY! Finally! There's a ticket to Switzerland in my shop for 5400GP! That's a lot, but thank goodness I have enough! lol I've been waiting for a ticket for a week now! :lol: Now I'm sooo happy! I'm going to let Ollie fly off to Switzerland right now! I'll post again once he gets back!

:nyatchi: ~Cherry.pie

Ok, Ollie just came back from Switzerland, and is now very very very happy!!! :lol: He brought back a password for the travel building at, so I went there & put in the password, & got another password for some souvenir skis! Yay! :lol: Ollie has 28 out of 32 souvenirs! Sooo close! :D

If you wanted to see the postcard of Ollie the Hidatchi in Switzerland, go to, to the V3 button. When it asks for the username, put in: Rylie. Then go to the travel building in the bottom right-hand corner. Go to the 'login' computer & put in this password: 47805-41620! Then you'll see Ollie standing next to a mountain in Switzerland! Yay! :lol:

Well, I'm pretty sure that Ollie is tired from his long trip to Switzerland, & Zack is just tired, So they're going to go to bed soon. Which means I'll be done posting for today! If anything else happens before they go to bed, I'll let you all know!

Thanks for reading my V3 log today! Don't you think this is like the best log in Tamatalk? It's surely the only one that posts you at least 5 times a day! Well, keep reading!

Talk to you all tomorrow!

:nyatchi: ~Cherry.pie

You know what's weird that I just found out? Hidatchis fall asleep at exactly 10:00, but Gozarutchis go to sleep at exactly 10:15 pm... Isn't that weird? You would think that all tamas would just fall asleep at 9 or 10, but why 10:15? I don't get it... lol :lol:

Well, see you tomorrow!

:nyatchi: ~Cherry.pie

OMG Guess what?!?!?! After Ollie & Zack woke up, I looked in Ollie's shop to see if there was anything good in it, AND THERE WAS!!! I found ANOTHER ticket, this time, to China!!! :lol: That's the only ticket I needed. So I had to play about 3 games of heading to get it... ( I already had about 3000GP stored up :lol: ) And I bought it! Now I'm going to have Ollie take the trip, & then go take Ollie & Zack back to tamatown to get the prize! Yay! :lol:

I'll post after I'm done doing that...

^_^ ~Cherry.pie

Ok... Ollie came back from China, & now he's very very happy! :lol: The prize we got was a panda bear! It's sooo cute! :lol:

If you want to see the postcard of Ollie & his visit to China, go to & click on the V3 button. Once it asks for the username, type in: Rylie. Then go to the travel building in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Click on the 'login' computer in the travel room, & enter this code: 63415-69369! Then you'll see Ollie in China! Enjoy! :lol:

Ok, well sorry, but nothing exciting happened with Zack today... He just woke up, so I fed him some food... the end... lol

Well, if anything exciting happens... I'll let you all know first!

^_^ ~Cherry.pie

Well, by the end of today, both Ollie & Zack will be 6 years old! :lol: Then maybe tomorrow or Thursday, the matchmaker will come!!! Yay! :lol: I've been waiting for her to come! I can't help but wonder if she'll come on the same day for both Ollie & Zack... :lol: If she doesn't, that might end up messing up my plans to have the new babies mate... Darn! :lol: Oh well... if that happens, then I'll just wait for the matchmaker to come ( again ) for both of them until they even out... That would probably take FOREVER though! Which is why it would just be easier if the matchmaker could come on the same day for both of them!

Well, I'm also kinda hoping that the matchmaker comes today, so I don't have to wait anymore... This is the first time I've tried to continue the generations with the matchmaker! I usually just have my two V3's mate, because they're usually the opposite gender... So, I'm just hoping everything turns out alright... I think it will... :lol:

Well... That's it for now... I'll post again if something happens, or if I just want to post something... :lol: lol

^_^ ~Cherry.pie

Well... the matchmaker didn't come today... :( She'll probably come either tomorrow or Thursday... but I hope she comes tomorrow! I also hope that Ollie's baby is a girl, & Zack's baby is a boy, then they can mate, & everything will be easier...

Well... I think that's it for today... If anything happens... I'll let you all know!

;) ~Cherry.pie

Well... nothing much happened today...

When Ollie woke up, I looked in his shop and found a fishing pole! Yay! But I don't have enough for it... & I don't really feel like playing games, so I didnt get it... But there also was a chest, so I got that instead... When Ollie opened the chest, he found a...............................*drumroll please!*....................................................Shirt! That's worth about 1000GP! And he only got it for 200GP! Isn't that awesome! :lol: Well I thought that was really cool :D

Well that's it!

;) ~Cherry.pie


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