are you a wiccan?


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2006
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i am a wiccan and i am catholic! :)

but i need some wiccans to talk to!

or if you want to know what wiccans are or do just post below and i'll answer any questions you have :p B) ;)

Well I am not a Wiccan nor a Catholic - but I am intrigued :p

I was born into an Anglican (Protestant) Church family, but I hesitate to label myself as a Protestant since I don't attend Church or follow any specific Christian doctrine...

How do you reconcile life following both religions? I imagine it must be difficult!

Much of the Christian church - particularly the Catholic Church does not support the idea of a Horned God and a Great Mother - as the Wiccans do... are you Gardnerian Wicca and do you follow the Wiccan Rede? or do you attend Catholic Mass (and if so, what does the priest think about the Wicca connection in your family)?

Sorry to ask all these questions but I am really fascinated :)

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i follow the wiccan rede. "an ye shall harm none, do as you please"

i talked to the priest about it and he thinks it is ok as long as i still show faith in god!

no one in my family knows that i am wiccan except my aunt.

people have been physically beat up, so i try not to tell a lot of people that CAN come near me!

i don't go to catholic church very often because almost everyone in my family works on sunday.

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i follow the wiccan rede. "an ye shall harm none, do as you please"i talked to the priest about it and he thinks it is ok as long as i still show faith in god!

no one in my family knows that i am wiccan except my aunt.

people have been physically beat up, so i try not to tell a lot of people that CAN come near me!

i don't go to catholic church very often because almost everyone in my family works on sunday.
Wow, the priest has no objection? That's pretty... odd. I'm guessing he really doesn't believe or care about what's in the Bible.

People beat you up? Wow, what dopes. That was really mean of them.

I do have a few questions if you don't mind. :]

1) When did you choose to become wiccan and why?

2) Are you apart of one of those wiccan groups [sorry, I don't know what the correct term is!]?

3) Why don't you tell your family?

4) Do you worship the Goddess?

Also, sorry, one more, what do you call yourself? Which type? Do you call yourself a witch or something else?

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My understanding of Wicca is that it is generally accepted to be pagan.

It's duotheistic, worshiping the Horned God and the Great Mother Godess... whether you are Gardnerian, Alexandrian or Eclectic... so that's totally contrary to a monotheistic Catholic belief.

I can therefore understand why so many Wiccans keep their religion a secret - even from loved ones (out of fear of personal attack from those with superstitious ignorance) but I'm sorry, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that any Catholic priest would approve of you being a Wiccan (as well as a Catholic) as long as you "still show faith in God"... which God did he think you are going to show faith in? I'm sorry to ask, but it just doesn't add up... :)

i became wiccan 4 years ago, because it feels right to me.

i practice on my own.

i believe in isis and my catholic god!

my priest does care, it took alot of persausion before he gave in!

as long as i show faith in jesus it is ok.


WICCA - is a kind of religion. it is witchcraft!

it i snot bad though, we are acctually what some people would call "tree-huggers"!

I ♥ WICCA!!!



[SIZE=8pt]I am a wiccan, and I love it! (the rest of my family isn't really religeous. I've never met any other wiccans online b4![/SIZE]

I'm Wiccan, as is my fiance.

I want to know how you call yourself Wiccan and Catholic, considering they believe in different things... :)

WICCA and WITCHCRAFT are not one in the same, to all those idiots saying it is... Yeah, YOU.... *Points to posters*

The tree-huggers part I could agree with I suppose. We do believe in Gaia (the living earth) and being one with everything, and are big into nature. :huh:

I also believe in the chaos theory and Karma a LOT. My fiance reminds me that we shouldn't seek revenge if someone does us wrong, just to turn the other cheek and they'll get theres.

My fiance does play with tarot cards and rune stones, but that's just for fun, he doesn't do it in an overly serious fashion (and it's very rare he even pulls them out).

Anyway... The reason I came here is because, based on the enthusiasm (and then the first post), it seems people don't really understand the religion, nor do they take it seriously. It's not some "cool new mainstream religion." It's been around for a long time and, it's really hard to pinpoint specific beliefs from the religion because it varies so much from different people (other than the basics, living earth Gaia and respecting the earth and living things).

Also, did you know that Wicca is, in many ways, similar to some Native American religions?

Yeah... Just to say again, I don't understand how you can show faith in "god" and "Jesus" and still claim to be Wiccan...

Um I used to be into witchcraft but not anymore
That's super, but witchcraft is not the same as Wicca... :)

Oh, to the topic-sarter... Who the heck is Isis? I asked my fiance, who's studied many religions and is big into theology and...

Isis is an Egyptian goddess, he says either of night or earth (he can't remember and I didn't bother to look it up).

Besides that, I still stand by what I said before... It's IMPOSSIBLE for you to be Wiccan and Catholic at the same time and believe in both.

Edit by Josh (The Fiance): There IS a way to be both Christian and Wiccan...more or is called Neo-Judaism. Basically the 30 years in which we do not know what happens to Jesus is when he made a pilgrimage to learn from the Western European druidic tribes, thus learning his different "miracles." Just saying, because that's the ONLY way that you can be Wiccan AND Catholic at the same time. If you have any disagreements with what I have to say, please, feel free to ask Ashley and I'll talk through her lol.

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[SIZE=8pt]For those of you who are confused on whether it is witchcraft or not, Here is a website about wicca.[/SIZE]

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