NeoMame's V5 Logs


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2008
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Today I finally got to use the Dating Show, so I am now on the 2nd generation. Here's whats been going on.

This morning around 10am, I kept trying to use the dating show, since it was 2 days after they were adults (without pauseing). I couldn't use I kept trying. At 11:09am I was finally able to use it, my 3 tamas were:

Furikotchi (Takk/Male)

Violetchi (Lilly/Female)

Nemutchi (Zuri/Male)

I decided to try to find a partner for Lilly (Violetchi). I chose her because I was going to try to get the Violet family, but I didn't get the right partner....So anway, I just chose the last partner cuz I didn't wanna wait until tomorrow. Now I have 3 child tamas. Here's who I have right now:

Ahirukutchi (Male)

Belltchi (Female)

Mousetchi (Male)

Mamametchi (Female/Mother)

Memepapatchi (Male/Father)

Soooo now your all caught up! Yaaaaayyy! Oh yeah! When I first played the Golf Putt game, I got up to around 10. Then the arrow speeded up suddenly. I pushed it too late and my baby tama accidently hit Memepaptchi (his father) with the golf ball! Memepapatchi's face was so funny when it came flying at him! I got a good laugh out of that! Poor Memepapatchi....He now has a black eye.....................No wait! Now he has 2 black eyes! He he....I just did it again! :p

Anyway I'll post again soon! I'm also probably getting another V5 on Friday, so then I will have 2 tama family's to talk about!

I just checked my V5, and they were awake! I thought they wouldn't get up till 8am....oh well....I'm glad they're hearts wern't low! They only lost 1 Hungry & Happy heart. Here's this morning's Tama Update:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 0%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 720

I check my V5 at 12:12pm, and they had evolved into teens! Here's who they evolved into:

Ahirukutchi (Tamko/Male) -> Korokotchi *New!*

Belltchi (Daisy/Female) -> Shelltchi *New!*

Mousetchi (Jake/Male) -> Bakutchi

Yay! I'm happy I got 2 new tamas! Anyway, here's there stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 910

Korokotchi (Tamko/Son)

Shelltchi (Daisy/Daughter)

Bakutchi (Jake/Son)

Mamametchi (Lilly/Mother)

Memepapatchi (Manko/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

I should be getting another V5 on Friday, so this log will be about 2 tama family's then! :unsure: I can't wait! Also the next evolution will be on Friday around 12:13pm - 1pm. They will be turning into adults then! I can't wait for that either! lol, I'm really impatient!

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My Tama Family is awake, here's thery're stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 30%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 1,000

Korokotchi (Tamko/Son)

Shelltchi (Daisy/Daughter)

Bakutchi (Jake/Son)

Mamametchi (Lilly/Mother)

Memepapatchi (Manko/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

If you've noticed my gotchi points have been going up veeerrryyy slowly, thats because I used the free item passwords to get most of the items! :huh: I still need some of the Food & Souviner items tho.....I mainly used the Toy and Rare codes....

Tomorrow I get another V5! Yaaay! I always buy atleast 2 of every tamagotchi connection version! I never restart 1 of them (To see how many Generations I can get), I call that my Main tama of that version. Then the others I buy of the same version, I restart them whenever. For example, if I get a tama I didn't want I'll just restart it. But on the "Main" one, I'll just keep the tama, even if I didn't want it.

I won't be able to post tomorrow till the afternoon, cuz I have a bunch of appointments in the morning. But I'll be posting as soon as I can!

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I’m not sure bout what everyone else thinks about these tamas, but I would like to get 1 of the 3 Neglected Family’s! I mainly want to get the Petite Family! There’re soooo tiny! At first, before I started researching for info on the V5, I thought they were Child/Teen tamas! Lol, I was way off! NOTE: If anyone who’s reading this knows how to get the Petite Family, please PM me! I know you need to not feed them much, but I need to know how low I should let the Hunger hearts go down (And so that they don’t die!).

I’m thinking that I should try to get the Neglected Care Families on my V5 that I’m getting tomorrow…..I don’t want my first V5 to die! Cuz then I’ll have to start from Generation 1 again!

Anyways, at 10am they just asked for training. I selected the middle icon this time (Meme Family Icon). So now they have 40% Bonding! Oh! I’ve forgot to been posting which icons I’ve been using! Well, luckily I remember! I’ve been mainly using the last icon (Kuchi Family Icon) when I train them. But I have used the middle icon a few times so far, like 2 or 3 times. I haven’t used the first (Mame Family Icon) so far, and I’m not going to either!

Sadly, I have yet to get another V5. The stores are sold out, a few of them haven't even began selling them yet! :huh: :( :huh:

Anyway, the Kirba family are now adults! I only got 1 new adult tho.... :rolleyes: Here's who I got:

Korokotchi (Tamko/Son) -> Nemutchi

Shelltchi (Daisy/Daughter) -> Yonepatchi *New!*

Bakutchi (Jake/Son) -> Furikotchi

And here's tolday's update:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Bonding: 50%

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 1,120

Nemutchi (Tamko/Son)

Yonepatchi (Daisy/Daughter)

Furikotchi (Jake/Son)

Mamametchi (Lilly/Mother)

Memepapatchi (Manko/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

I'm thinking about using the "Dating Show" cheat on Sunday, to get Yonepatchi (Daisy) paired up with a Kuchipatchi. So then I will have my first "Pure" Family! .........I just hope that this cheat works! Cuz I don't wanna wait till Monday! Also, if Planetchi pops up on the Dating Show before Kuchipatchi, I'm letting Daisy mate with Planetchi! But thats probably not going to happen....I bet Planetchi appears only rarely.

Also I set up an account on Blogagotchi, but I'm not sure if I'm going to use it. Because of the lack of members.....But If I do start using it, I'll post the link to it on this log, probably on my signature. I'll still be updating my logs on Tamatalk tho! (I like Tamatalk better.... :D )

I have 45 views and 5 replies so far. I'm getting to my goal of 1,000 views (slowly tho!). I'll just have to keep posting!

The next time my tama family needs training, they're Bonding should go up to 60%.

Its time for today's Tama Update! Yaaaay! <_< :rolleyes:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 50%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 2nd

Gotchi Points: 1,120

Tama: Purple V5

Tomorrow I will be able to use the Dating Show! I'm going to use Yonepatchi.

(I have 61 views and this is my 7th entry)

Today begins the 3rd generation of my tama family (The Kirba family)! I'm still going to use Yonepatchi. My Bonding is only at 60% tho! I'll have to get it up so I can get a "Pure" Family!

I'll post again sometime after they wake up.

They woke up at 7am. Now I'm getting they're Bonding up to 100%. I'm cheating to get they're Bonding up, by setting the time to 9:59. Then wait 1 minute, then finally train them. You can do this over and over untill your Bonding is at 100%. The other way to increase bonding (by cheating) is to use the Gotchi King DVD item. If you use it 30 to 34 times, your Bonding will go up.....but it takes foever!

.............Ok, my Bonding is now at 100%! Now I just have to wait till I can use the Dating Show, which will be around 12pm - 1pm.

I was just able to use the Dating Show, at 12:57pm. I got the chance for my Yonepatchi to marry a Planetchi, so I accepted it!

But now I'm confused! I only got 1 egg, which turned into a Iwatchi (female), and it still says Blended Family....

Also, I'm wondering if I use the Dating Show, once Iwatchi is an adult...will I just get another Iwatchi? Or will I be able to get 3 eggs with different baby tamas again?

I'm really confused!

My Iwatchi turned into a Hoshitchi. She now has 20% Bonding (I cheated a bit). I only cheated because I wanted to see what she looked like up close.

Anyways, here's my tama family's stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 20%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,120

Hoshitchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

(I have 80 views and 12 Entries/Replys so far)

My Hoshitchi is sleeping right now. I'm thinking about letting her sleep until when she normaly wakes up.

I haven't seen the drawn version of the Space Family tamas yet, so I'm wondering what they really look like.....I know Hoshitchi is a star with stars for eyes (I found that out by pressing the C button after getting 20% Bonding). But does Hoshitchi have feet? Or is the things under him/her just like ribbons?

If your wondering why I want to know this, its because I also have a written log (in a notebook) for my tamas also. I like using notebooks to do my logs cuz it lets me add drawings of my tamas in it. I like to draw many different pictures of the same tama, but with different things. For example, I'll make a pic of each tama happy, upset, mad, normal, ect. I also use the items/toys from the previous versions in my drawings. ......I just wish I was able to post them on here! :unsure: Its pretty cool!

Here's the current update on Hoshitchi:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 20%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,120

Hoshitchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

It hasn't chanced since my previous entry (March 16, 5:09pm). My Hoshitchi will evolve into a Mikazukitchi (Teen) tomorrow around 2pm. Well, at least I know which tama's my Hoshitchi is going to evolve into.....but it kinda takes the fun of not knowing which tama you'll get.

WOW! My log has gotten +10 views so far today! Plus I also recieved a PM today about my log! I must be doing something right! :blink:

Anyway, I'm hoping that I'll get another V5 by this Friday. Hopefully they don't run out of stock this time!

hoshitchi is doing fine.....I need to start playing games with her instead of feeding her treats tho! I'm sure that even the Space Family can evolve into the Large Family, if they're not taken good care of!

......Speaking of the Large Family, I still want the Petite Family!!! But I'm afraid to try to get them! Because I'll probably go to far with the not feeding them, and they'll die! I don't wanna start from the 1st Generation again!

Well, I'll post again later or tomorrow morning, I'm not sure yet....If I have anything to say, then I will probably post again tonight, but nothing else will probably happen with Hoshitchi tonight...

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Yaaaay! I finally have the purple box "Hot Topic" thingy again! lol I'm still not sure what it means, but apparently it's good! :blink: I'm guessing that its from getting so many views in 1 day, but I'm not completly sure..........

Anways, thats all I wanted to mention! See ya later! :(

Today my Hoshitchi evolves into a teen! I already know who I'm going to get, a Mikazukitchi.

Here's her current stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 40%

Hungry: 4/5

Happy: 4/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,120

Hoshitchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5

She's sleeping right now, so I'll wait to fill up her hearts. I really need to start playing games with her instead of feeding her treats!

Yesterday I found out about the Tama V5.5! I found a topic about it on TamaTalk. I can't wait! I know that some people dislike it when they make upgraded versions of the same tama version, but I like it! After all, when they make an upgraded version, they add alot of new characters to it! The more tama characters the better! After all, they couldn't just put every single tama in 1 tfinal tama version! That would get so annoying! It would also make things more confusing and difficult!

If your interested in seeing what these new tamas look like, I'll post the link to them a little later.

Also here's a link to pictures of Tamagotchi Cards. They show a bunch of tamas in different seasons and wearing clothes that match the season. There is also other cool cards to look at! Its a perfect place to go if you like to draw tamagotchi's or if you add pictures of the tamas in your logs (Like my notebook logs :D ).

Just click the blue buttons at the top of the page, to select which set of cards you want to look at!

Just a little while ago, I was laying down, half asleep. Then I heard the sound of my V5 evolving. So I got up and checked, and now I have a Mikazukitchi! She has a moon shaped head.

Here's her stats:

Family: Kirba

Blended Family

Bonding: 50%

Hungry: 5/5

Happy: 5/5

Generation: 3rd

Gotchi Points: 1,170

Mikazukitchi (Female)

Mamapatchi (Female/Mother)

Planetchi (Male/Father)

Tama: Purple V5


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