a yorkie of a life part one


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
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well i said to the manager,we do have the v4.5 still,he said.well where i said,here you are he said as he handed me and cloud a v4.5 and then we went and paid for it.cloud was my webkin i got when my family moved and had to leave my small cozy house for a bigger one.so me and cloud came home on my bike,my bike had a small side car with a clear plastic top.and when we made it home my parents had left for work and i was alone in the house for 7 hours a week while they went to work,we are fairly rich but not spoiled and my tamagotchi and lanyard i just bought i put it around my neck,and put cloud back in the side car and left for my treehouse in the other property we own and when i arrived i took my laptop and went on webkinz and found that i had lots of saved kinzkash and then went to tamatown for a few minutes and then raced home and my poarents were home now and i was happy to show them my newest tama and then....

to be continued......

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