Role Models


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Well, I've come to notice that now in this time, Not many role models are good anymore. Specifically for girls. Ok, so the other day I saw a video called "Stupid S____T" It's a song by girls called Girlioucious (sp?) It was really messed up. It seems like the role models for girls are either very fake (disney stars, well some), having children at a young age/drugs/stupid mistakes (Jamie lynn spears,lindsay lohan), Or say/show it's ok to take your clothes off and "be a girl" (bratz dolls, pussycat dolls, britney spears, girlicious) =/ it seems a lot of role models aren't good anymore. What do you think about this? and can you think of any good ones? I think Hilary Duff is kind of a good one.

So what do you think about this issue?

I agree, I don't get it. What happened to make everyone do this stuff?

Selena Gomez and Tracy from Hairspray (Nicki something. Forgot) is probably the ONLY role model that hasn't done stuff to ruin their reputation.

What happened to all the old role models like Nicki Webster, S Club 7 or something like that? When I was 5 (8 years ago), I had plenty of role models. Now 8 years later, there is no-one to pretty much look up to. :\


Ah, today's society. *sighs* Messed up. No seriously, I don't want to sound like an old woman or anything but good, moral role models aren't as easy to find any more. >.<

Role models don't have to be famous. A role model can be anyone you look up to or believe does the right thing; a parent, older sibling, teacher, coach, upperclassman. Unfortunately, fame messes a lot of good people up. They have a lot of presure put on them, and when they make a small bad decision, it is magnified.

I can't think of a lot of perfectly good famous people. I can think of quite a few teachers and upper classmen who I look up to, however. I choose my role models to be people I actually know and can ask for help.

yeah, all my role-models from disney are all weird now. /:

i mean, miley cyrus for example! she has fans from 6 six years

old and up! she's not being such a good example 'fo the kids 'coz

of her picture scandle thing. *sighs* fame can really make you do

some really bad stuff. -.-

I look up to the Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato :3 Some of the last few disney stars that haven't done wrong.

Well, would you get really mad if you had media following you everywhere? At first, it may seem cool, but don't you think that one day you'll lose it?

I don't really look up to any stars. But there are a few that seem nice (Brenda Song, and Selena Gomez). I usually look up to people that I know :lol:

Role models don't have to be a person on TV.

My role models are Brendon, Ryan, Aaron, Jerry, and Micheal.<3

Well, would you get really mad if you had media following you everywhere? At first, it may seem cool, but don't you think that one day you'll lose it?
I don't really look up to any stars. But there are a few that seem nice (Brenda Song, and Selena Gomez). I usually look up to people that I know :)
Yea but taking pictures of yourself naked and all that stuff shouldn't be done out of anger. it seems they do it out of stupidity and wanting attention though most already have it =/


Fame is a bitter-sweet career.

There are still a few role-models left.

Selena, JoBros, Lovato,

Though I don't look up to any of them.

I look up to...Erm..

I guess I kinda look up to Hayden Pennitiere.

I agree, I don't get it. What happened to make everyone do this stuff?Selena Gomez and Tracy from Hairspray (Nicki something. Forgot) is probably the ONLY role model that hasn't done stuff to ruin their reputation.

What happened to all the old role models like Nicki Webster, S Club 7 or something like that? When I was 5 (8 years ago), I had plenty of role models. Now 8 years later, there is no-one to pretty much look up to. :\

The hairspray chick was arrested withf her dad for beating some model chick and her mom up.

ehe, i never had any role models. i always thought of it this way , there people who sing and dance and act and stuff. my only role model has been myself. i dont wanna be just like miley (tehe, i find us very alike in some ways tho. my cousin thinks im hannah montana) or juss like selena. i wanna be juss like ... a banana. yeah. jk. i find its much easier to grow up looking up to youreself and telling yoruself that you can be who you wanna be. too many girls are trying to be juste like all those made up "pretty" girls in hollywood.

Yup.Fame is a bitter-sweet career.

There are still a few role-models left.

Selena, JoBros, Lovato,

Though I don't look up to any of them.

I look up to...Erm..

I guess I kinda look up to Hayden Pennitiere.
I forgot about hayden! She is a great role model as well! :)

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