My V4 tamagotchi log!


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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Hi ppl this is my first log on my V4 tamagotchi, Rita.

Rita is currently a sebiretchi Click here for picture

And these are her stats:


Age: 3

Training: 4 bars

Intellengence: 28

Fashion: 55

Kindness: 36

Weight: 53 pounds

Well, she just evolved like an hour ago, so I'll tell you if anything happens to her

or something important.


Well, this is not really important but the shop just restocked and rita just got a ball!!!!!!

Yay for her!!!

BTW my gotchi points are 25,460.

Im trying to make her lose weight.


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Right now, Rita is taking a bath.

(so cute!!!)

I hope she gets a job tomorrow!!!!

She also lost ALOT of weight!!!

Shes now 31 pounds!!!

Yay! Heres her stats for now:

Intellengence: 100

Fashion: 57

Kindness: 36

Training: 4 bars

Weight: 31

Alright, see you later!!

I'll right tomorrow!!!

I just got home from the Eye doctor =)

Rita is very lucky to survive the horror of staying home foe 7 hours.

She had a skull and 1 poo.

But I cleaned her up =)

She has the same stats as yesterday, with just +3 more pounds.

I'll write when i get back from dinner.

MMMMMM.... Moes!! :p

Well, im back from moes and shes still okay..

I hope she gets a job soon so I can get some points rolling in!!!!

I think im getting the music star tomorrow to monday, so after im gonna start a log on this.

(yay I'm getting a music star!!!)

Here are Rita's stats for today.

Age: 4

Weight: 36

Intellengence: 102

Fashion: 57

Kindness: 36

Hunger: 3

Happy: 1 (im gonna play with her after im done typing)

Training: 4 bars

She is a sebiritchi still. =)

Click here for picture!

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Ok, now shes like spitting or something but shes gonna go to bed

in like 10 minutes.

Can someone tell me what shes doing shes like spitting in the air and

WOOH! She got the job mail right now!!!

Lets see what it is...

Aww shes being rejected by her teacher... sad.

Now she gets a JOB!!! yay!

A hospital, a school, a bank, a bakery, and a preschool!!!

Im gonna do hospital.

Ok, the judges, O O, and O!!!

She got the job!!! yay. Now she just got the kit thing.


My Rita's now a nurse!!!!!

Ok, thanks for reading, I'll write tomorrow!!!! :( :eek: :p B)

:D :D :p :p :p :p

Hi people and good morning!!!

I just wanted to tell you that I found a new batterie in my pocket

and I just started up my V3, right now he's a teletchi

Click for picture

His name is Alex and he's 6 pounds right now.

I hope he becomes a Mametchi.

I'll write later when Rita is awake.

Rita's awake and Alex evolved into a Mizutamatchi!!!

Click here for picture

Rita also got 1350 points from doing her job yesterday.

She just pooped on the floor though.

Alex looks Fine.

Anyway, here are their stats:


Age: 4

Weight: 26


Intellegence: 133

Fashion: 57

Kindness: 36


Age: 0

Weight: 10

Training: 1

I'll write after I come home.


I got home, and nothing special happened but a couple of skill points and Items.

Rita got a skirt, which looks so cute on her, and Alex got a ball, which he cannot balance on


Alex got a little fat, +3 pounds. Rita is 31 pounds (still skinny!)

I'm gonna use a chest on Rita now,

Here goes....

Yay! She got a bow from the chest! Lets try it on her..... Lol!

She looks funny! Ooooohhhhh...... A fishing pole! Lets use that too!

Pull, Rita, pull!!!!

. . . . . . . YAY! A can..... Lets use it again.

Yay! =o 3000 points!!!!!!! Wow, 3k? thats awesome! What do you think, Rita?

Rita: OMG OMG OMG I'm sooooo rich now!!!

Me: Well, you were rich before, Rita.



Ok, as you can see, I'm Green, Rita's Red, and Alex is Blue!

I'll write when I beat this level in Star wars: the force unleashed!

Alex: I wanna play that!!!!!! GIMME!!!!


Ok, so I just beat A COUPLE levels on the game, so I could stay away from Alex and Rita .

Rita: HEY!!! YOU DON'T LIKE US????


Me: Shut up guys I'm trying to update my log on tamatalk!!!

Rita: What's a tamatalk?

Alex: What's a log?

Me: They need more school.....


Alex: What's a school?

Me: Alex, you need an updated version to be able to know what a school is.

Me: Rita, go to your egg!!!!

Anyway, when I got back to look at them, they only had 1 poop each.

Here are their stats:


Age: 5

Weight: 32

Training: 4

Smart: 161

Fashion: 57

Kindness: 36


Age: 0

Weight: 11

Training: 1

Awwww.. Rita and Alex are taking a bath... so cute.

I'm aiming to get them married!

Rita: MARRIED TO ALEX??? But I wanna get married to a Mametchi!!!

Alex: Well, I might be a mametchi, or a young mametchi!!!

Me: Shut up and go to bed!!!

Anyway I'll write tomorrow. Goodnight!

EDIT: Spell checks. LOL.

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Good morning tamatalkers:

The only one that's awake is Alex, and he just turned one,

which he'll evolve any minute!

I just caught his poop before he made a mess =)

Waiting for evolution........

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Pm me if you have an answer for this question:

Does your tama evolve at the time that you press reset?

Or does it evolve at the time that the baby evolves into a child?

While we are waiting, here are Alex's stats:


Age: 1

Training: 1

Weight: 15 lbs.

Hungry: 4 hearts

Happy: 4 hearts

Points: 1455 points

Ok, I kind of answered my own question with that one lol,

Alex evolved into a Patapatachi!

Click for picture!

Also, Rita's awake.

Alex: Oh My God i'm floating!!!!!

Rita: That's so koolio but now onto more important matters.

Me: Like what?

Rita: I had the strangest dream that Alex married me!!!

Me: Wow, maybe this dream will come true. Hehe. :)

I accidently "spilled honey" on Rita... =)

But It didnt work lol.

I'll write if Rita gets a Matchmaker.

:furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :blink:

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Hi people!

Right now Rita and Alex are playing with their new toys that they got!

Rita: Thanks for the Awesome soccer ball!

Alex: Thanks for the totally cool ball!

Rita: Mine is way better than that little poo poo!

Alex: No its not, I can balance on it!

Rita: Matthew, when are you getting me a tamagotchi?


Ok, I have good news. I might be getting my tamagotchi music star in the mail today!!!

YAY! ^_^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Please PM me for names for boy tamas as well as girl tamas.

Hi people.;m really mad right now that my tama did'nt come in the mail today. =(

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

I just wanna hit somebody!

Anyway, Alex and Rita are ok, here are their stats:


Age: 6

Weight: 34 lbs.

Training: 4 still =(

Smart: 203

Fashion: 57

Kindness: 36

Points: 45260

Hunger: 4

Happy: 4


Age: 1

Weight: 25

Training: 1

Happy: 3

Hunger: 3

Alex is sleeping right now, and Rita will too in about 30 minutes.

The V3's look so cute when they sleep when you turn the light on!

I'll see you in the morning.

STILL ANGRY! :angry: :angry: :angry:


I just looked at my tamagotchi V3 and it showed the NO BATTERIE SIGN!!!

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Which means the journey for Alex is gone.....

That also means that Rita's batterie is also gonna die in these next few days.

BUT!!!!! Since Alex is gone, Rita does'nt have to marry him.

SO I did the Matchmaker and got a MAMETCHI! Which soon Rita gave birth to a beautiful baby boy!

:angry: :angry:

YAY!! Next generation!!!

Oh! I forgot to tell you about Fred, Rita's father.

Fred was a :angry:

Fred was a really good tama to look after. Before long, when I went to check on him,

he had the Matchmaker :angry: so I did the matchmaker and Got a baby girl, Rita!

Fred: Rita, I am your father.....

Fred: "Unanamus breathing in the background."

Rita: WTF??? :angry:

Now I'm gonna try to give some names for the baby boy:






Or Bob!

Pm me about the names here or if you can give me new names to try for him.

Good morning. :eek:

Its been about 1 night since Alex died.

I have had Rita's baby for about 1 night, too. :(

I just got 1.1k points from the king, today! :(

I'm gonna use a ticket on Rita so that they can go to tamatown and

get a souveneer.


I'll write when I get my souveeneer.

Ok, I think it's been enough time, lol.

Sorry I did'nt post all day today, my head was clouded by

my own boredom.

Rita is doing fine, also her baby as well.

I've decided to name the baby Carl. :angry:

Rita: Carl? wow, I like that name. Lets try it out. Carl?

Carl: baba? babagoobienionadesno

Rita: Coolio, it works!

Me: Rita, I'm gonna fast forward you now to take care of carl, do you want to say anything to the veiwers?

Rita: Ok, I will.

Rita: Although it's time to go back to tamatown, I would like to thank all of our log's veiwers.

Rita: They have been with us almost my whole journey. (just the adult state, lol.) And my shout out to Alex,

Rita: He's somewhere out there, and I'm determined to find him, no matter what the cost!

Rita: and Matthew, take good care of my little Carl, and if he dies early, I'll KILL YOU!


Rita: But until then, I'll see you in tamatown, whenever YOU FIX THE WIRELESS!

Rita: Bye! :angry:

Ok, but before she goes, I would like to share her Stats on more time.


Age: 7

Weight: 47

Training: 4

Smart: 203

Fashion: 57

Kindness: 36

Job: Nurse

Points: 35940

Happy: 4

Hunger: 4

Bye, Rita.

P.S. I'll be making a memorial for her return to tamatown.

I'll write again when Carl is in my care.


Which is probably tomorrow.

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Ok! Good morning everybody.

Carl is officially in My care and Rita has gone back to tamatown. =(

But Carl is a good little fellow.

He is currently a Mizutamatchi .Click for picture

Here are his stats:


Age: 0

Weight: 10

Smart: 4

Fashion: 18

Kindness: 14

Training: 1

Points: 38290

Job: none

He is sleeping right now until it hits 9:00.




When I went to check on my Carl, HIS BATTERIE DIED TOO!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


I have no more tamas to share on this log then.

BUT! I'm getting a music star tomorrow, so I will enter it on this log

so its will stay alive.

R.I.P. Carl, Rita, and Alex

Fred: What about me?

Me: No one care about you!

So until tomorrow I can't post anymore.


Hi guys!

I got my music star!!!

and here are his stats!!! :D



Age: 0

Weight: 5 lbs

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Stress: 00

Instrument: Sings

Toy: Helicopter

Tone: 63

Rythm: 17

Original: 87

Yes his name is Matthew.

His fav type of music is classical!!!

He is sleeping right now.

Man, these things are so awsome!!!!!


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