Awkward Fears


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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2009
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Do you guys have any insanely awkward fears?

One of mine is vomiting. I got rid of it for a while and then it came back. x_x'

So, what bout' you guys?

Changing for gym. We don't even have to change in front of eachother but even though I'm in a stall it still creeps me out.

I'm also scared of failing school. Theres certain topics we're doing at the moment that make NO sense to me. x.x

Needles. Gah.....
Oddly enough, I love the feeling of needles poking me.

(Sorry if that made you a little squeamish Phoebe XD)

Oh and I also have a fear of failing subjects in school also, opaque colours.

OMGSH! I used to be super afraid of throwing up!!! but i just got the stomach flu so I'm pretty cool now :p

I'm also get scared of the dark easily because scary things on T.V give me ideas but its the scary things i add on tht make me really afraid. It is actually quite funny, because I am a babysitter, and sometimes at night i need all the lights on, but sometimes i want it to be pitch dark so i can darn fall asleep!!

I'm also afraid of needles I cry before shots and one time they made me lie down because they thought i might faint O.0

AGH. You made me have a spaz attack. I do not like needles. The last time I went to the doctor's, I almost escaped, but they caught me in the parking lot Dx


AGH. You made me have a spaz attack. I do not like needles. The last time I went to the doctor's, I almost escaped, but they caught me in the parking lot Dx
ha, that was like my brother at the hairdressers. xP

Ihave a minor papyraphobia (fear of paper) yeah I know. it's because I hate paper cuts, because they lead to blood, and I faint at evry sight of blood that crosses my gaze. I've fainted about... at least 14 times before. :wacko: it's not so weird anymore.. but whenever we are handing out papers, etc in class, I get other people to give me mine, nd if I have to touch it, I go for the middle, and avoid the sides and edges as MUCH as possible. I look kind of stupid when I do it, but... oh well :wacko:

...and the stairs at waterparks.
OMG, I HATE STAIRS AT WATERPARKS. I feel like I'm going to fall. o.o


The dark. (kind of)

Cuts. -- Open cuts and stuff like that (even small scratches sometimes) make me feel so uncomfortable. It makes me weak and awful. x.x Especially cuts on wrists. I don't know if anyone feels the same way as me. My friend got one on her wrists and I was like (in my head), "OMGOMGOMG."

Failing -- I don't want to fail. I was freaking out on the inside when I got a C+ on my progress report thing today. :[ I'm supposed to get it signed, too. But I don't think I'm going to. (There's another thing going on, but I don't feel like explaining it. You'd probably think I'm whiny.)

Falling off of a cliff...

Heights. -- I'm afraid of heights. I don't like going to the railing or something if I'm on a second story of a place.

I'm also scared of balloons when they're all shriveled up and gross. If I touch it in that state, I'd jump and squeal as if I'd just stepped on a dead, split open mouse cut in half.


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Doors that say pull.

Thats how I got the scar on my leg, Running into and breaking a door that said pull not push.

I hate planes. I used to cover my ears heaps when they went over head, but now I have no energy to do anything. I just freeze.

Ooooh, I have many fears.

-Ants. Yes, they are scary. If I see any ants and especially if they're crawling on me, I shall run away and escape.

-Furby. The creepy bear thing. It scares the ----- out of me.

-Dolls. Any type of dolls scare me. ESPECIALLY Barbie!

-Clowns. I cant go to the circus. I end up running away.

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