My TMGC+ Color's Diary


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
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(Hi guys! Snowfang again! This is a strict diary about my TMGC+ Color. I just happened to be looking for Kimi, my Sakuramotchi, and I found this small diary I bought for her yesterday.(when she was a baby) I flipped to the first page and this is what I saw:)

Dear Delilah,

Yesterday I hatched out of my egg. That was when I met Snowfang for the first time. But Emberwing took me. Then, when Snowfang tried to take me to my garden, I evolved! Now Emberwing has me and she's a lot of fun to play with. I found out that I'm great at the memory cards. Did I mention it was raining this morning? But now there's a pretty sunset, staggering over the horizon....

Signed, Kimi

That was a cute entry! I liked the part "staggering over the horizon" most. :angry:

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Deah Delilah,

Today I evolved into Chamametchi. I startled Snowfang so much in the morning when I evolved that the human jumped out of it's bed! I knew humans were crazy from the start! It's still raining, but my little tree that I planted has grown up a little more! I want to see what happens when I grow up again... possibly into Memetchi! :blink:

Emberwing's still stubmling on her words for Mame and Meme, so she says "Blue-eared thing" for Mametchi. I bet Snowfang's even more stupid. :lol:

I want to get married to a Kuromametchi. He so dreamy... Did i ever tell you that there's going to be a new TMGC+ Color for me to interact with in almost a month?

Signed, Kimi

(Lol, I'm going to buy myself a green TMGC+ Color because I want one. :lol: )

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(Just to tell you, Emberwing is my sister. So don't ask questions who Emberwing is.)

Dear Delilah,

Yesterday I went to the fair. I went into the haunted house. I never want to go there again! :D Then, Snowfang sneaked me out at night, and, to my surprise, it started collecting Gotchi Points for me to go places. That was very nice of it. I went to a temple, and there was this Kutchipatchi-looking person. She gave me a scroll. Then Snowfang, Emberwing and I went to the movies. I was the star in "Godzillagotchi"! I started to blush when the people(including Emberwing and Snowfang) applauded for me. And my owner's going to give me a mountainous living room, a cool bathtub, a royal bed, and a Japanese kitchen. Oopps! Snowfang's calling me to go to the game corner to start collecting!

Signed, Kimi

(The third-to-last sentence is true. :p )

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(Sorry I didn't post in the morning! I was at a party. :D )

Dear Delilah,

Today I evolved into Memetchi. :) Snowfang didn't startle as much as I wanted to. :hitodetchi: So anyway, as I said a few entries earlier, I want to get married to a Kuromametchi(or even Mametchi). X3

We bought some item that I can't use at all. ;) But Snowfang and Emberwing are trying to buy me more stuff. And now I'm getting overwhelmed. -_- Uggggghhhhh.

Signed, Kimi

Dear Delilah,

Last night, Snowfang snuck me out AGAIN :p , but this time, it took me to many games and in the end we got the most expensive thing ever: the flying shoes. That was when I saw these two Tamagotchis and they invited me to read a book. :eek: Then I went down and fell asleep. Emberwing decided to take me again two times. I thought it was going to be boring, but I saw two different books to read. Then I started laughing my head off. :D And I'm confused why. Oh well. :p

Signed, Kimi

(Kimi made a baby boy! I named him Akio. Kimi taught Aiko how to write in his new diary. Then Kimi left...)

May 26

Deawr Dewilah,

Twoday my momma left mwe. Mwe papwa was a Mamwetchi and I hope to be a Kuwomamwetchi when I gwow up. :D I know it's not vwery long... Sowrry...

Fwom Aiko

(I've still got a lot to teach him about writing in Delilah...)

May 27

Dear Delilah,

Today, ah'm an Ahirukutchi. Ah went to see what ah could get. And meh human got aware of my happiness, so I start getting even more happy tommorah'. Ah'm so exited! Sometam's I get bored. Yah know that Tamagotchis are all alone in the world. It's sad. Why do the humans get the glory?

From Aiko

May 28

Dear Delilah,

Today ah became a Young Mametchi. Ah got 100 Gotchi Points from the King. Yeah meh.

Ah went and bought some stuff, and I saw a heart-shaped cloud and a shooting star.(my human advanced the time :) ) Ah thought it was pretty cool. Also, ah got bit by a tuttle. AH HATE TUTTLES!

From Aiko

Dear Delilah,

Today, ah got a HappiHappi seed. Ah bought a plant growth thing and made it grow fast into one of them heart things. It was pretty cool. Then this-this THING(Snowy explained later it was HappiHappi) appeared in my room and made me reallly happy. Ah suddenly started laughing. Weirdly. Ah have an urge to become a Kuromametchi...

From Aiko

Dear Delilah,

Ah didn't evolve. :eek: An' ah wanted to be a Kuro so bad...

Anyway, Snowy snuck meh out( I guess it's what it likes to do on a nightly basis) and got meh everything in the shops. It was pretty boring, if you ask meh. And ah lost a gram. If you wanted to know.

From Aiko

Dear Delilah,

Yesterday, ah became a Kuromametchi. Ah apologize for meh whining!

Anyway, meh home's been refurnished to all royal! But it's still raining! AH HATE RAIN! It's so boring! Snowfang says that meh "OMFGWTF?" face is is really funny. Ah'll show that human! B)

Meh feelings on the haunted house hasn't changed a bit. Ah'm still deathly afraid of that place. But... what if ah embarras mehself?

From Aiko

Dear Delilah,

Ah'm not getting married today. Ah have to wait untill some bratty kid can watch me. Ah'm so mad. Ah wish there was something called a "Humangotchi". That be sweet...

Anyway, meh dream girl would be a Makiko. Ah saw her as really cute. Hehe...

From Aiko

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Dear Delilah,

Last night was the worst night ever! It was either I married a Gorripatchi or wait. I didn't like the Gorripatchi. So I'd rather wait.

Right now, I've got nothing to report. Maybe later today I'll have something to say.

From Aiko(for now)

(Aiko left yesterday, due to his daughter. I will always remember him. ;_; Oh yeah, by the way, her name's Eri.)

Dear Delilah,

I'm a Sakuramotchi. Heh. I miss my daddy. ;_;

Sometime at night, I had a nightmare. I woke up as a cat in my dream and someone killed me for my fur. It took me forever to overcome that dream. O_O Now I feel afraid to take my nap. I guess it's because I went to a haunted house and saw a cat being hanged. It took me forever before I belived Emberwing.


June 4

Dear Delilah,

I became a Chamametchi. I didn't startle anyone much. Sheesh. Snowfang and Emberwing knew it was comming. Man. My ansestors spoiled it for me. :huh:

Anyway, I got all the Lucky items. Hehe. Now I get to visit the King! Yay!


Dear Delilah,

I want to become Memetchi so bad! Like my grandma!

I found out I can use the book. Then a bunch of the king's servants started cheering for me. I thought it was cute... until they dropped me and left. That sure stunk.


Dear Delilah,


I wore the 3-D glasses. Then a Dorotchi came out of the Television set! Then I used barbells. They sure were heavy. And really sweaty with someone's sweat(possibly my dad's, but it could have been me :) ), so I washed myself off because I don't need to get sick with sweat in my mouth just because I usually suck my thumb!


Dear Delilah,

Snowfang and Emberwing are constantly dueling over me. Today, they took things too far.

They were fighting over an MP3 Player, and somehow I ended up being hurt. They were mad for a while, then they *finnaly* saw how big jerks they were for fighting over me. Nothing else intresting happened, though. If the world of humans was made my way, noone would fight, and we would all have cookies on Wendsdays.


(Eri has a grandkid now... Sorry for not posting!)

June 8

Hi, my name's Flora. My momma left me for some reason, so now I'm all alone. :) I really miss her. Snowy luved me as if I was the human's little precious. Awwww... I luv my owner, but the thing that seperates me and my owners is hevily scratched. Ugh. I often get disgusted by ceartan people.

From Flora

Dear Delilah,

I don't know why this diary was named Delilah, so I went to the first page on this. And I found out who the other human's name that Snowfang calls it's sibling. It was... Emberwing, did I spell it right? She tends to be a bit laid back for stuff :mellow: , but I like her personality. I want to be just like her when I grow up... possibly :) Violetchi ;) . I don't want to be like Snowfang, though. Being a grump for life just isn't a way to live. :p

From Flora


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