Favourite and least favourite school subjects?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Okaaay, well, if you're in school at the moment --- what's your favourite and least favourite subjects? If you've already graduated or haven't started school yet [which I doubt], than what did you enjoy and dislike when you were in school?

My favourite subjects would have to be Performing Arts and Social Skills. During Performing Arts, we either get to do plays, play instruments or have free time. And during Social Skills, we have this talk, and then go outside for some P.E.

My least favourites are Maths and Science. I'm not actually that bad at maths, but like a lot of people, I don't enjoy it. And with science... well, I don't really find it fun. Just the way I am.

I love science. My favourite subject ever.

I also enjoy -





[sometimes English]

Hate -


Economics and Business studies.


Socail studies.

I hate.. Social Studies and Thai. CAUSE THEY'RE IN THAI XD I hate the Thai subjects. Cause I'm not so good in understanding Thai, well I do understand, just it's harder to xD If all the subjects were in Thai, I'd hate all of the subjects O: And I hate music. Cause.. it's hard xD Not very, I just think I'm lazy and that I don't like to practice and stuff.. I just seem to dislike it. I'm trying to like it though xD And girl scouts. It's quite boring in Thailand, all you do is stand and do all these religious stuff o_o

I love.. SCIENCE. ENGLISH. MATH. ART. GYM. 8DD Because they're just plain awesome. Science is my most favorite xD I first wanted to be a scientist when I grow up, but now I think Science is a bit complicated so I changed my mind. English.. cause it's easy XD And Math.. idk why. Sometimes I hate it though, lol. It's when I can't figure the problems out and I'm like, "AHH WTF IS THE ANSWER??" lol. Art! Is my second favorite 8D I love art. Sketching, painting.. <3 You name it! Gym, Is good for my health xD That's why I like it. And it's fun when I get all hyper and running around.

My favourites are PhysEd, Writing, Science and Drama.

My least favourites are Math. Unless it's Data Management <3


I love Science. It's the best.

English is okay.

History is so boring that I died.

Math? Don't get me started. Math like... doesn't compute in my head.


SOCIAL STUDIES. The bane of my existence. I despise it. Well, the subject itself is okay I suppose, we're doing US History this year. =P Last year I had the best teacher, and we did world history and SS was my favorite<3 But this year. Gah. I have the worst teacher in the world. She looks a million years old. But she really is a bad teacher, because sometimes there's stuff on tests that we never learned about. Mrs. S is like the joke of the school, really. /rant over.

Italian's pretty boring too.

Hm, as for my favorite subject, well it used to be Math. Weird, because last year I despised it. This year I have a nice teacher and I used to sit with some great people<3 Now I don't. So bleh.

I really love Gym though. We play dodgeball sometimes. ;D And I get to hang out with all my friends, and play fun stuff most of the time.

SFL (Strategies for Learning) is pretty fun too, now that State Testing is over. My teacher lets us just talk and do nothing. :3 And I've got my best friend an crush in that class.

Technology class (which I had at the beginning of the year) was awesome too. Nice teacher, and we did fun stuff. We launched rockets and built gumball machines. x3

English is alright, too, I guess. Not my favorite, but it used to be. Since the Honors project, my teacher's been very PMS-y. Or bipolar. Even though the stress is pretty much over. .-.

Japanese is by far my favorite subject.

My least favorite by far is geometry.

I also hate english, but it's because of the insane curriculm and work load. I just don't understand geometry.

Fav: Algebra/Geometry and Band. I'm good at math.. so I got moved up. And it's really easy for a higher grade level. And I love band.

Least Fav: English. If I don't like what I'm reading I fail, epically

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I hate art SOOO much. You don't even know how terrible it is at my school.

And I hate math stuff too.

I don't really have a favorite.

I live for Performing Arts. Drama and English in particular. They're something I'm good at, and can impress people with. Singing is also a big thing with me. I love being in our extracurricular productions, stage performances are love. I'm not big on reading, but only because I don't often have the time. By the time later life approaches, I'll have lots of time for books and such. Hopefully.

I despise Maths. End of story. I'm a daydreamer, so I'll totally space and not take in any of the complicated algebra equations our teacher rants about over and over again. But I really have to start working harder at it because it's a basic exam requirement for, like, everything. xD

My absolute favourite subject is Living Enviornment/Science etc. My teacher is really nice and stuff. I also enjoy Spanish, just learning different languages is fun. n_n

and I absolutely despise English.

I'm pretty neutral about everything else.


Band (I love playing Tuba. x3 + A+ Class)

Health (A+ Class)

Science(I like taking notes. x3 and I LOVED doing Atomic math. 8D)

Chorus (I like the song were singing. :3)


Gym (Too embarrassing. xD)

LA (Just do.)


Spanish (Conjugations are fun. xD)

Social Studies (I have a funny teacher)

Math (Sometimes it's easy, and I have a A in that class. o.o')




Free computer block

Least favortes;


LA, french&english

Social Studies

I hate maths but I love it too.

My teacher is horrible but amazing.

She gave me an isolation desk and it just made me more annoying. We stick signs on each others backs.

Fun subject for the people but for the actual work, not fun.

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