Do you support abortion?


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Sep 19, 2005
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Somewhere in the US of the A
Hi TTers! Do you support abortion? Me? In most cases, I'd have to say, no. A fetus or embryo is a living being. Killing it simply because you don't want it is inhumane. You can't decide whether somebody else should live or die. But, if the pregnancy could severely damage your or the baby's health you should get an abortion because now that is your life in danger. But if you just forgot to use protection, too bad. You need to live with the consequences of your actions. An estimated 46 million babies are aborted each year, equivalent to the population of Ukraine :huh: ! But that's just my opinion. What about you?

From Cinder:

Please note that we had an old abortion topic here, where arguments / flaming occurred. Please remember to state your opinions appropriately. I, as well as I'm sure the other Guides, will be keeping close watch over this topic. ;]

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I dont think abortion should be used just if you dont want the baby, but I do think it's acceptable if it's absolutely necessary. Like if the parents are unable to support the child and give it a happy life. Also, if it's dangerous to have the baby. But if the baby were 'deformed' I dont think you should abort it.

No. Unless it's rape and the girl is too young. Like, 11 or so. Also, if the mother and the baby are both in probably going to die. Other than that, no.

Do you know what I hate? Women who hold the abrotion of their baby above the dad to get what they want.

I do not 'support' abortion, I just believe that it shouldn't be illegalized. So I'm Pro-Choice, especially when the mother's life is at danger.

I am against abortion, but I would never take that away from someone else. I wouldn't rule their body.

I only support abortion if the mother/babies life is in danger. That's different, if it's a life-or-death situation.

But if you got pregnant because the protection didn't work/you forgot to use protection/you got raped, I still think you should keep the baby. You have to learn that life gives you thing's you're not prepared for.

If you decide you can't give the baby everything it needs for a happy life (a loving family, clothes, food, a decent shelter, etc...) then keep the baby. Remember that there is such things as adoption. After all, you never know who that baby's going to turn out to be.

I only support abortion if the mother/babies life is in danger. That's different, if it's a life-or-death situation.
But if you got pregnant because the protection didn't work/you forgot to use protection/you got raped, I still think you should keep the baby. You have to learn that life gives you thing's you're not prepared for.

If you decide you can't give the baby everything it needs for a happy life (a loving family, clothes, food, a decent shelter, etc...) then keep the baby. Remember that there is such things as adoption. After all, you never know who that baby's going to turn out to be.
I agree with pretty much everything you said.

I do support women having abortions.

I believe that women should always have the option to have an abortion, they don't have to accept it but they should have the choice.

100% pro-choice.

Also, I have a question, I was going to ask this in the other topic but it closed!!:

To those who don't support abortion due to the believe that life begins at conception, what are your opinions on The Morning-After Pill?

.... Also, I have a question, I was going to ask this in the other topic but it closed!!:To those who don't support abortion due to the believe that life begins at conception, what are your opinions on The Morning-After Pill?
The topic title is "Do You Support Abortion?" - please try to avoid posting your own questions in a thread that could potentially take it off topic?

(For info, the "Morning After pill" is an emergency contraceptive, not an abortion-causing drug - it's designed to prevent conception and won't work if you are already pregnant)

I support it ONLY if it is life threatening or the child will be disabled.

Just because YOU make a mistake doen't mean you get to chose the punishment. If you abort, your punishment will be MUCH MUCH MUCH worse than having the baby.

What goes around comes around. : /

Hi TTers! Do you support abortion? Me? In most cases, I'd have to say, no. A fetus or embryo is a living being. Killing it simply because you don't want it is inhumane. You can't decide whether somebody else should live or die. But, if the pregnancy could severely damage your or the baby's health you should get an abortion because now that is your life in danger. But if you just forgot to use protection, too bad. You need to live with the consequences of your actions. An estimated 46 million babies are aborted each year, equivalent to the population of Ukraine :kuribotchi: ! But that's just my opinion. What about you?
I believe that once the baby is a fetus or embyro, it is practically living, just inside another body until all its parts are finish forming. In the bible, God said that as soon as it is created, he gives the baby a soul and heart later on. Also in the bible, it says not to murder, and in any case, aborting a child after creating it is murder. And believe it or not, many people who abort just abort because the kid was an accident. A lot of times, rape victims end up keeping their child even if it was made against their own will. If the baby was going to endanger the mother, then why did the mother try to have it then? The mother should have discussed her health with her docter first before trying to have a baby. Also, there are many woman who have serious health problems and after having unprotected sex, they find out that they are pregnant and just abort it. It is kind of dumb because if they knew they are unstable or something, why have unprotected sex then? However, if you are going to abort, it should be for a very good reason though. There are a lot of people (GAY AND STRAIGHT) who cannot conceive and will love to adopt or have a kid of their own and there goes some careless couple throwing their baby away because they just wanted to have sex, not take care of a baby. If the pregnancy could severely damage your or the baby's health you should get an abortion because now that is SOMEONE'S life in danger. And, how can someone forget to use protection. Helloooo??? If a guy is having sex, i am pretty sure that he can remember to wrap his stuff up. I mean, it is not like he is not going to use it during sex. It is just that he chose NOT to use a condom. The same with females. If you dont want a child for some reason but still want to have sex, then use birth control pills. Dont try to wing it as if for some freak reason, you're going to get lucky and will not get pregnant. But, yeah, i kind of support abortion, but, only for the right reasons.

There are a lot of people (GAY AND STRAIGHT) who cannot conceive and will love to adopt or have a kid of their own and there goes some careless couple throwing their baby away because they just wanted to have sex, not take care of a baby.
And, how can someone forget to use protection. Helloooo??? If a guy is having sex, i am pretty sure that he can remember to wrap his stuff up. I mean, it is not like he is not going to use it during sex. It is just that he chose NOT to use a condom. The same with females. If you dont want a child for some reason but still want to have sex, then use birth control pills. Dont try to wing it as if for some freak reason, you're going to get lucky and will not get pregnant. But, yeah, i kind of support abortion, but, only for the right reasons.
Condoms can fail.

Birth control can fail.

Tubal ligation can fail.

Even if all of them are used you can still get pregnant.

As for the adoption thing...

The only ones that get adopted are the cute little babies. No one wants older children.

Even as a baby you still have very little chance of getting adopted.

In adoption, once you turn 18 you get kicked out on the streets whether or not you can support yourself.

Many people who do want to adopt are unable to. Adoption costs thousands of dollars.

You can't adopt if you're too old, not married, gay and other reasons depending on the state/country/whatever.

The places where disowned kids go (I can't think of what they're called. >.< Bah.) is overfilled as it is.

Or, think about this. Let's say you were put up for adoption.

You then find out your parents had other kids and kept them.

Wouldn't you feel terrible to find out your parents didn't want you and don't want anything at all to do with you and yet kept their other children?

I read somewhere that the suicide rates of children put up for adoption are higher than those who weren't. :s

I'll search for sources later.

I don't get it.

People are always like "Save the trees! Save the whales! Save the polar bears!"

But when it comes to a human life, they could care less what happens to it.


My Friends mom pretty much has to get an abortion whenever she's pregnant

My Friend is actually lucky to be here, She's considered a "Miracle Baby"

You see, her Mom had about 2 or 3 abortions before her first son was born in 1993 [He would have been older than me by a few months]. He only lived to be three days old, because Jackie [my Friend's Mom] had a messed up Chromosome count, she had too many, so Her son had a bunch of heart defects. They had him on life support for about 3 days, and Jackie didn't want her son to suffer and grow up a vegetable his entire life, so they took him off. The doctors told her she'd never be able to carry boys, only girls. Then in 2004, She became pregnant again, She got an Amniocentesis [sp?] and it said it was going to be a boy, the doctors did tests, and told her that this boy would have the same fate as travis [The one who died at 3 days old]. So She did the best thing, and got an abortion. Even thought she aborted the baby because he would have died soon after birth anyway, she still named him...Tysen. In 2008, she became pregnant again...She got an Amnio again, and it turned out to be a girl, the doctors took a few tests and it turned out to be the same problem the boys had. So she aborted her the other one, she named it even though it was aborted...Teleah. The doctor told her she wasn't able to have Any kids.

And in 1994.she had my best friend who lived, who suprisingly made it past all the doctor checks,and was born without any complications.

So Yes, I support abortion.

Whats the use going through what my friend's mom had to go through?

I only support abortion if the mother/babies life is in danger. That's different, if it's a life-or-death situation.
But if you got pregnant because the protection didn't work/you forgot to use protection/you got raped, I still think you should keep the baby. You have to learn that life gives you thing's you're not prepared for.

If you decide you can't give the baby everything it needs for a happy life (a loving family, clothes, food, a decent shelter, etc...) then keep the baby. Remember that there is such things as adoption. After all, you never know who that baby's going to turn out to be.

'You got raped'

Why the living hell would you want to keep a child that was a result of rape? Why? No matter how 'loving' that child may grow up to be, it would be a constant reminder of something that should have never happened, a reminder of the humiliation and suffering you went through when you were raped. You would relive that everyday when the child would walk home from school, every night when you tucked them in at night. Yeah, I'd really want that.

Rape isn't something to be laughed at, or taken lightly.

The child would be a result of forced sexual contact, unwanted contact. Not a result of love, which is why people should have children.

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