♪♫♪♫♪♫ The Log of the Dancing Ninja ♫♪♫♪♫♪


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
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United States
Okay, so I will henceforth be referred to as Ninja! After all, that's my user name on my Tama! So anyway! I'm Ninja. I am currently in possession of a Music Star. The red one with the keyboard design. I know that the log description says that this is about my Music Star and Tama-Go, but the latter does not arrive until tomorrow.... I didn't lie!

Anyway, I did a reset today and here are the stats for my current Tama.

Name: Billy

Gender: Boy

Age: 0 Years

Weight: 11 lb

Character: Kuribotchi

Tone: 109

Rhythm: 83

Original: 95

Instrument: Guitar

Genre: R&B

Generation: 1

Just a note: I will be naming all of my Tamas after So You Think You Can Dance characters. If one gets named Kent or Lauren, then please believe that that is a pretty special character. Billy is named after Billy Bell! I love Billy. Both of them, that is!

Right now, Billy is sleeping, so he can't talk. We had a super fun day full of exploring Music City and getting our CD up to rank 5 Ultimate Silver!!!! Woohoo!

I'll post tomorrow!



Okay, so today has been pretty uneventful so far. We went to Music City, which was fun. Billy has been to preschool a few times. I have been making him practice his guitar because he has been slacking off a bit.

Have not!

Billy, don't start! That was Billy by the way. You will know when he is talking by the blue text.

Hi everyone! I'm Billy! I'm gonna be a super cool rockstar someday! And I'll be really famous, and have tons of fans! And I will buy all the toys that I want!

As you can see, Billy really wants to be famous. But he won't be famous unless he practices.... :rolleyes:


Anyway, I'll update later. Here are the stats!

Name: Billy

Gender: Boy

Age: 0 years

Weight: 10 lb

Character: Kuribotchi

Tone: 120

Rhythm: 121


Instrument: Guitar

Genre: R&B

Generation: 1

Biyas for nowyas!


Guess who evolved into a Hinotamatchi???

That's right! Billy! Yaaaaaay!

I'm a teenager now. Which means that I don't have a bedtime, and I can do whatever I want. So I'm off to get a tattoo! See ya later Ninja!

Hahaha, I think not.

But all the coolest rockstars have them! Please?


Tongue piercing?

That's just gross.

Anyway, Billy joined a band along with 2 other guys. Here is the band info:

Band Name: Maple

Genre: R&B

Billy: Guitar

Toby: Keyboard

Louis: Bass Drum

And here are the rest of Billy's stats:

Age: 0 years

Weight: 25 lb

Tone: 169

Rhythm: 187

Original: 164


And by the way, I might not get my Tama-Go today... Darn it.

I'll update later!




My user name is, of course, Ninja.

Here it's hatching...

It's a girl!!

Wait, do we not get to name them? That's dumb... Oh well, it's still cool.

I fed her and played with her...

I got the white Tama by the way, the one with Kuchipatchi! I love Kuchipatchi...

Anyway, my baby Tama needs attention! I'll post later!



My Tama-Go broke.

MY Tama-Go broke.



Sigh. I'm depressed! Poor thing didn't even get a chance to evolve into a toddler.

So you are probably wondering what happened, right? Well, I was playing and stuff, you know, being a good owner, when this line came across the screen. Not a black line, like a line of nothing. Like when you reset your Tama, or it runs out of batteries, and the screen is blank. A line of that. So then it started like having stuff move inside it. This is kinda hard to explain... Point is, my Tama-Go broke. So tomorrow I will get my new one. Billy is asleep right now, but I'm sure that when he finds out, he will be mad also.

Zzzzzz... Whuh-zuh....?....Zzzzzz

I should go so that I don't wake him up. I will post tomorrow.



Sooooo... Not much has happened so far today... I'm about to leave to get a new Tama-Go, so I will update after that, when it gets more exciting. Just thought that I would update to let you know that I will update when I get my new Tama...


Name: Billy

Gender: Boy

Age: 1 year

Weight: 26 lb

Character: Hinotamatchi

Tone: 240

Rhythm: 279

Original: 294

Instrument: Guitar

Genre: Rock and Roll

Band Name: Maple

Generation: 1



Okay! Got my new Tama-Go! It's another girl! And she has evolved into a Belltchi! Yaay!So far she has 1 training bar and we have 4 friendship hearts.

I got the same White Kuchipathi Tama-Go again by the way.

I'm going to name her, for purposes of this log. Her name is... Katara! I'm gonna name my Tama-Go characters after Avatar The Last Airbender, because I don't have a space limit here!

Wow! It's so exciting to be as big as I am! Ninja got me a new room! It has windows and this HUGE couch! I'm really excited! Ninja and I are super duper good friends! She plays lots of games with me! I like all of them.

Haha, as you can see, Katara is a very... hyper toddler. I think I will have a bit of trouble when b-e-d time comes...

What's Bee Eee Dee time? Do I get candy?????

Er... Sure...

I think I have to go make sure Katara doesn't break the new windows. I'll update later!

What about me?

Oh that's right! Sorry I neglected you Billy! It's so hard what with the new Tama. I'll give you more attention in the next post!

Hmph! You'd better.




So the Tamas are asleep, but there is news of unfathomable importance!



He was originally a Mametchi (I obviously took good care of him. Which is weird, because I didn't....)

Now he's all grown up! But he grew up in his sleep, so the only thing I could do was give him the Destiny Star. But still! He's so cute!

And now, a mission for all who read this.

YOU! (Yeah you! The one with the face)

You will look up Billy Bell on Google Images. And then PM to tell me how alike Dreamtchi and Billy Bell are!

And then... (and this is optional, but recommended if you enjoy good music)

Look up the song Collide by Howie Day. It's an amazing song.

That's all for now! Beeteedubs, Katara is fine

Peaceyas in the Middle Eastyas!


So no one has evolved yet today. (Billy obviously won't) But Katara should evolve later today.

Really??? I'll be a teenager??? Yes! That means I get a cell phone, and my ears pierced, and...

What is it with growing up just being about the new things you get and get to do? It's ridiculous!

Yes. I find it to be quite immature and unreasonable. I believe that the key to being a mature individual is self exploration.

Wow Billy, very mature. I'm impressed. You still are not getting a new piano or a new car.

But... Why? I'm so mature!

Yes, but maturity doesn't put money in the bank. Practice and get better. That earns you new things.

What about me??? I don't have an instrument! It's not fair! :angry:

Yes, but you earn money by just playing games. But I can only buy you food and new rooms, which is kinda dumb...

Oh well! Anyway, here are the stats:

Name: Billy

Gender: Boy

Age: 2 years

Weight: 34 lb

Character: Dreamitchi

Tone: 455

Rhythm: 532

Original: 489

Instrument: Guitar

Genre: R&B

Band Name: Maple

Generation: 1

Name: Katara

Character: Belltchi

Gender: Girl

Age: 1 year

Weight: 13 lb

Training: III

Friendship: Full

Generation: 1

All for now! Update later!



Who turned into a Shelltchi? Umm that's right! Katara! Woot!



I'm going to the mall to get my bellybutton pierced.

Hold it right there young lady! You are staying right here!

*Door Slams*


I've got to go! Update after school tomorrow! Biyas!


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Well, since my Tamas were paused from 7 AM to 3 PM, not much happened today. I wish I didn't have to pause them, but I don't want them to die. I'm hoping for Katara to evolve tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath... Sigh. I wish something happened to post about! Or that my tamas weren't asleep currently! It's infuriating! Gah! :angry:

Oh well...

Until tomorrow...


PS: Sorry this log has been boring for the past few posts, I'll try to make it interesting ASAP

Haha update time! And this time my Tamas are awake!

Okay, something happened. Something big happened. I would even go so far as to call it monumental. Now what was it again? Oh yes!

KATARA IS A MAKIKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Haha I'm excited!

Teehee! I love being a Makiko! I get this pretty bow and a cute skirt! And don't even get me started on my hair! It's to DIE for!

Oh Katara! Pretty soon you will marry and have babies. *Sniffle* They grow up so fast!

I bet my husband is sooooooo dreamy. He will hold me and make everything in the world better! :wub:

Um.... Sure....

So hows it going with you Billy?

Pretty good! My star ranking is number 2 and I've got over 181 thousand fans! Yeah, life is pretty sweet.

Well speaking of marriage and children, you should be getting a wife, I'd say on Thursday!

I guess that would be aite. Every mega super star needs a hot babe by his side...

Anyway! Here are the stats:

Name: Billy

Gender: Boy

Age: 4 years

Weight: 47 lb

Character: Dreamitchi

Tone: 533

Rhythm: 826

Original: 633

Instrument: Guitar

Genre: R&B

Band Name: Maple

Generation: 1

Name: Katara

Character: Makiko

Gender: Girl

Age: 3 years

Weight: 26 lb

Training: IIIIIII

Friendship: Full

Generation: 1

That's all for now! See yas!


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Well the Tamas were only awake for about 3 hours, so there was not much time for anything interesting to happen. Billy's star ranking is number one! Yay! But other than that... Not much. I just thought I would update because I want to try to update everyday, even if it might be a bit boring. Unless you think I should just post if it is interesting... Hmm... Well anyway, since the stats have not really changed much and I'm lazy and tired, no stats. Sorry



PS: Sorry for the boring post!

Okay, I understand that I didn't post yesterday, but my Tamas never got unpaused. So why would I post about nothing? But now I have a long weekend, so they should not be paused very much. Like nothing happened today. At all. Sigh.

Bored to deathyas


PS: Again with the boring posts! I give you permission to virtually slap me!


Okay. So guess what happened? That's right, guess!


Haha I wish.

Ew. That is just nasty.

Fine, I'll tell you!


He got married to Memetchi! And they had A BABY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh. I'm so happy!

Me too! I've got a great wife, a beautiful baby girl, AND A WICKED SWEET CAREER!

Ah Billy, I will miss you.

Katara is fine. She is feeling a bit lonely, but she will find a guy soon enough!

All the guys at the date place just haven't been right. But don't worry Katara!

*Sniffle Sniffle* Is there something wrong with me?!?!?! Am I that unappealing?!?!?! Is it my hair? OMG IT IS ISN'T IT! My ex always said I spent too much time on my hair and that it showed! I'M SO UNHAPPY! LIFE SUCKS

.... Um.... Here's a cookie....?....!

YAAAAY A COOKIE! *Munch Munch*

Some things never change.

Anyway, Lateryas!


Echem! Let it be known that I, Katara, have been joined by holy matrimony to my husband, Kuromametchi, and that we are very happy. On another note, DID YOU SEE HOW HOT HE IS?!?!?!?! :eek:

...What she said...

So Katara got married! To Kuromametchi! Wooohooo!

And Billy and Memetchi are doing fine. I've decided to name their daughter Alexie, after Alexie Agdeppa. She was the first one out this season. And it was totally unfair because Melinda deserved to be out!

Anyway, so that's about it for now!

Until tomorrowyas...


So guess who is a Hitodetchi??? :hitodetchi: :hitodetchi: :hitodetchi:

That's right! ALEXIE!!!

She is very cute and happy and her instrument is the mic!

Although I was very very very sad to see Billy go, I know that I did a good job with him. So I feel better.

Hi! I'm Alexie! I love to sing and dance and play with my camera! I also enjoy bouncing around the screen because I'm special and different!

Um Alexie, everyone bounces around the screen...

Not the way I do it! I go at hyperspeed! I'm so fast, you can't even see me!

Yeah, I kinda can...

No, you can't. Trust me. I know these things.

Good grief!

Anyway, Katara and Kuromametchi are fine, still no baby though.

Well biyas!


PS: Opinion please! I NEED you to PM me to tell me if you want me to start posting stats again. I know I stopped because they are annoying, but I will start again if you want!

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That's right! I have a Ringotchi! And you want to know who it is, don't you?

What do you mean you already know? That's preposterous! I haven't told you, so you don't know!


Um... Yeah... I'm... Alexie... Hi....

She is very different from her toddler stage...


It rhymes with "Watara mad a maby toy"



She can't talk right now! Busy with the baby!

Got to go, post later!



Hmm? What's that? Oh yes! That's right!


I'm gonna name him Zuko :)

And Alexie is so pretty!!!

Aaaa I have to go take care of my baby! Update later!



So here's what happened today:

Alexie made it past the auditions after a few tries! :)

Zuko grew into a Mattaritchi :)

And...... Not much else....

They are right now sleeping, so they can't talk.

All for nowyas!



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