Kira's Generations Chapter 5


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Sister Wolf

Well-known member
Aug 7, 2005
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I lay with Jess watching the tamaun set. I finally felt completely at peace with the world. I'd met my friend and shown her my world. She loved it. I could just tell by the contented look in her eyes.

As I stared at the sky I realised that this couldn't last forever.

"Jess, you'd better go", I told her quietly.

"Huh?" Jess sat up , snapping out of her daydreaming.

"It's getting late. Maybe you should go now".

Jess shook her head.

"I can't. I was working it out a minute ago. You can't get out of tamagotchis can you? How is it any different for me. I'm not too bothered anyway. Its better than being stuck at home."

I nodded understandingly. Jess told me more about herself when we were walking about. She had a broken family. Her Dad hit her Mum, and she was too scared to venture beyond the landing stairs except when she needed to go to school. I felt very sorry for her.

"Well, if that is what you want. Are you sure?"

Jess nodded determinedly. I left off. I didn't want to linger on such a delicate subject.

I settled myself again under the tree. I noticed Jess scratching feverishly at her arms.

"Wassa matter?" I questioned.

Jess scratched and writhed.

"So-so itchy. Aagh!" She yelped as a huge chunk of skin fell away from the arm she was scratching.

"Uhhh". I almost heaved. More skin fell away revealing clean, long white fur.

Jess shrieked and shook her arms wildly, jumping up and down. The only thing that happened was that all of her skin fell away.

When all the skin had gone and I dared to look I saw something that made my heart miss a beat. A great angelgotchi stood there. Standing on its hind legs in more or less a human pose it towered high above me. Its wings were huge and the purest white as was its muscular body. All except its face, top of back, heavy paws and tip of its bushy tail. These were jet black. Its heavy head had the markings of a wolf: a t -shape upon the face and its delicate pointed ears were tufted. It's wise green eyes were strangely human. I finally managed to find my voice.


The great creature nodded understandingly.

"Jess was my human form. She is gone. She had no knowledge of who she really was. I am here now. I am still all you know. I have not changed inside", said a soft female voice, echoing in my head. "I am Zahari. I am here to help you. The devilgotchis that have invaded your planet have found us. Right now, they are mowing down the old and the young, coming to get me. Coming to get you. Coming to get us all. All of you have powers locked away inside you. We will win. All we have to do is -".

She cut off and raised her maned head. Turning she revealed a sneering, large wolf-like devilgotchi that looked scarily like Zahari except all black with red eyes. I squealed.

"Well, well, well. Clever girl Zahari. You always were the brightest angelgotchi in the land", he sneered at her.

"Rahndari. I dealt with you years ago. Your evil ways almost killed us all", she growled in a very wolf-like manner.

"You forget, dear, it is you who was the abomination in the first place. Now its your turn to know how it feels to be betreyed beyond all. My devilgotchi slaves are overcoming this sorry state of a country right now. You will then be turned back to your former self and - uggh."

A huge tounge of fire shot from Zahari's paws and caught him in the chest. Zahari then grasped me in her paws and unfolded her great wings, soaring away into the sunset.

"Come Sukie. We have much to do and so little time. I never realised this day would come so soon."
