My tamalogs (2 v2s)


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2006
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Well, i bought my first tama 13-01-06 A yellow v2.

And the second one 20-03-06 A pink v2.

Many things have happened since then and i'm currently on my 13th and 7th generation.

Sorry, that i don't have the time right now but i will update tomorrow. ^^

:lol: :)

Yellow w/ pink and purple stars, v2

G1 (Yumi): Shiropuchitchi --> Marutchi --> Onionitchi --> Kiwitchi

G2 (Hiro): Puchitchi --> Marutchi --> Puroperatchi --> Debatchi

G3 (Kyo): Puchitchi --> Marutchi --> Nikatchi --> Kiwitchi

G4 (Kaede): Shiropuchitchi --> Hitodetchi --> Puroperatchi --> Memetchi

G5 (Yuki): Puchitchi --> Marutchi --> Onionitchi --> Furawatchi

G6 (Yugi): Puchitchi --> Kinakomotchi --> Young Mimitchi --> Cho-Himetchi

G7 (Mimi): Shiropuchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Young Mametchi --> Mametchi

G8 (Ketai): Puchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Young Mimitchi --> Toratchi

G9 (Akura): Shiropuchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Ringotchi --> Pyonchitchi

G10 (Negi): Puchitchi --> Kinakomotchi --> Ichigotchi --> Marumitchi

G11 (Shiro): Puchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Young Mametchi --> Mametchi

G12 (Midoi): Shiropuchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Ichigotchi --> Marumitchi

G13 (Goza): Puchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Ringotchi -->

Pink w/ pink and blue butterflies, v2

G1 (Ami): Shiropuchitchi --> Marutchi --> Yu-fotchi --> Pyonchitchi

G2 (Azumi): Shiropuchitchi -> Kinakomotchi --> Hinatchi --> Memetchi

G3 (Chizu): Shiropuchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Yu-fotchi --> Pyonchitchi

G4 (Ayaka): Shiropuchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Hinatchi --> Debatchi

G5 (Aisu): Puchitchi --> Kinakomotchi --> Ringotchi --> Mametchi

G6 (Ao): Puchitchi --> Kinakomotchi --> Young Mimitchi --> Marumitchi

G7 (Sawa): Puchitchi --> Kuribotchi --> Young Mametchi -->

This are all my tamas from the begining, and so from now on i can start posting what happens right now. ^^

Sawa and Goza are gonna evolve today!! YAAY i'm treating them a bit badly because i want other characters then just; mametchi, pyonchitchi and marumitchi. ^^

Just remembered; They will not evolve today :'[ They evólve when they're 4 NOT 3. Why am i keeping to forget that? ugh, now i have to wait one more day..

Sawa and Goza met the matchmaker yesterday and they both got boys. :blink: I will name the pink one; Hayao and the yellow one; Genji. I just looked up loads of japanese names. xD

Genji and Hayao evolved yesterday into; a Kuribotchi and a Kinakomotchi. I ALWAYS gets those to guys.. and i wanted a hitodetchi.. anyways, they're gonna evolve again today, in the evening. ^^,

Haven't updatet in a while, sorry.

But Hayao evolved into a Ichigotchi and Genji into a Young Mimitchi. xD

I've seen a lot of people nameing their tamas Lime and Lemon, and i'm gonna be mainstream. :'DD I'm gonna name the next gen. of tamas; Lime & Lemon. :'DD

!!YaaY!! Genji and Hayao are gonna evolve today. :'D :'D :'D Around 9ish (pm).

I'm hoping for an Androtchi or Gozarutchi or Butterflyitch or Dorotchi, or a few others. :) I will let you know what i got. :]

Sorry, that haven't updated in a while but i have been busy. ^^ anyways, Genji and Hayao grew up yesterday morning!!! As a reward for taking care of them a bit bad i got the cutest characters ever; FLOWERITCHI AND HIRATCHI!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soo happy. ;] ;] They are both 5 years and so adorable that i'm gonna faint. XDDD

Yesterday Lime and Lemon evolved into TWO HITODETCHIS. YAAY! It's been so long since i had my first hitodetchi so it was on time. :] o_O They evolved just now!! Into two Nikatchis. ;P

YAAY. Lime and Lemon are gonna evolve today ^^v Hopefully i will be online then and tell you what the grew up into. xD

YAAY!! HYPEEER!! ^^v They just evovled. and guess what i got?

A HATENATCHI<3<3<3<3<3 And a Masktchi<33

I'm so happy right now ;P And i'm testing all the stuff on them, Lemon(hatenatchi) is soo adorable in the wig. XDD

Not so much have happened today, except that they both have came close up to the screen. Very cute. ^^v

;) :unsure: <--- I really love these new ones!!

Not much have happened today. ^^v So i can give you their stats;


Name; Lemon

Age; 5

Weight; 22 lb

Points; 9716 p

Character; Hatenatchi

Training; 6/9

Generation; 15


Name; Lime

Age; 5

Weight; 34 lb

Points; 9999 p

Character; Masktchi

Training; 7/9

Generation; 9

:rolleyes: :huh:

The matchmaker just came to my tamas and my hatenatachi breeded with another hatenatchi!! Anyways, they got two *drumroll* GIRLS!! ^^v ;P

At 7 pm i can change the time so Lime and Lemon will leave *sob* BUT i will have two new cute baby-tama girls to take care of. X'D

I setted the time to 11:59 pm and Lime and Lemon left. :'( But now i can take care of their beutiful little baby girls named Usagi and Rei. (Named after Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars XD)

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Around 8 pm last evening Usagi and Rei evolved into two Maruthis, looks like i'm getting my favorite toddlers again (i got two hitodetchis<3 last time) So arund 8-9 pm today they will evolve again.
