Group Hatching


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:p I'd like to join, just count me in!! :D :furawatchi:

PS I am going on vacation on July 2 so please can you not pospone it? :huh: :D :huh: :D


ok...since Tama_Love is going on vacation, it is postponed until July 2nd. Anyone else wanna join? It is at 11:00 and later in the morning, because my dad might be on the computer...but what the heck! Let's group hatch all day! Ok, so heres the time and date:

Date: July 2nd, 2006

Time: All day

not try'n to be rude but if your not gonna post watts the point? sorry i thats off topic or that u think its rude but its way past july 2 so a some one should close this,if i'm wrong sorry just my opinon. :D :D -_- :( :blink: :huh:

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