Nazotchi Project


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Playing with my Tamagotchi
I was just wondering...

People always say that to get a Nazotchi :) , you must NEVER feed any snacks. However, you'd think that with all these TamaTalk members, you'd have hundreds of people all trying NOT to feed their Tamagotchis snacks. Maybe we aren't as good at not-snack-feeding as I thought... but perhaps there is something else? A certain generation? A certain type of food (V3)?

Has anybody ever got a Nazotchi? I would like:

Tamagotchi gender





This is like TamaDex. I will keep an eye on this topic, it may be an important resource...

Nazotchi looks like this ;) . If you suspect that you have got it, please check the V3 Growth Chart to be sure. When I find someone who has gotten a Nazotchi, it will take a lot of hard work for me to mimic their style of care on my Tamagotchis. If you make a mistake as to whether or not you have had a Nazotchi, it will cost me hours of work. So please check :) . Thanks.

I have five Tamagotchis, and will try it on three of them. Theoretically this will triple my chances of it working. If you want to participate:

#1. Reset your Tamagotchi.

#2. PM me to join the group.

#3. For the first try, DO NOT feed it any snacks at any stage. If you slip up, PM ME!! Do not pretend you didn't feed it a snack or two if you did! It could mess up this whole project!!

StarTama :D

*edit: you don't have to reset it as long as it is a baby that has NEVER had a snack in its life*

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if u never feed snacks, wont it die 4 bein unhappy ?

(excuse me if this is a stupid question, but i never tried that)

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Ok I have two baby boys at the moment, the parents will leave at midnight. I am happy to try this out for you, keep track on my blogagotchi if you like.

If he is unhappy and won't play shall i give him timeout? or just ignore it?

Erm, you want to name him for me?

time out wont make it play, but possibly cost even more happy-points

Yes it will cost another happy point but if i get to play a game after and beat it it will be full again.

Also if i catch its poo and press 'b' this will fill up happy points too.

I can but try.

BTW it's Version 3 generation 3

how bout u name it Leo i picked this name for two reasons its my sun-sign and its a very cool character on charmed and Startama id love to help u in ur project

I can ceratianly try! Matchamker came for me today and got a bay girl. I'm gonna name it Ceili (Gaelic, pronounced kay-lee) and I can try, however knownig me I'll probably forget and fail! I'll let you know if I do fail, however. Nazotchi would be pretty cool! Like you said earlier, is there a cretain generation? Ceili will be generation 13. Anyone know? :D

PS. I'm depressed that Memetchi was kicked out. He was my first tama Ever! (named Aleph, boy) :angry:

I was just wondering...People always say that to get a Nazotchi :huh: , you must NEVER feed any snacks. However, you'd think that with all these TamaTalk members, you'd have hundreds of people all trying NOT to feed their Tamagotchis snacks. Maybe we aren't as good at not-snack-feeding as I thought... but perhaps there is something else? A certain generation? A certain type of food (V3)?

Has anybody ever got a Nazotchi? I would like:

Tamagotchi gender





This is like TamaDex. I will keep an eye on this topic, it may be an important resource...

Nazotchi looks like this ;) . If you suspect that you have got it, please check the V3 Growth Chart to be sure. When I find someone who has gotten a Nazotchi, it will take a lot of hard work for me to mimic their style of care on my Tamagotchis. If you make a mistake as to whether or not you have had a Nazotchi, it will cost me hours of work. So please check :p . Thanks.

I have five Tamagotchis, and will try it on three of them. Theoretically this will triple my chances of it working. If you want to participate:

#1. Reset your Tamagotchi.

#2. PM me to join the group.

#3. For the first try, DO NOT feed it any snacks at any stage. If you slip up, PM ME!! Do not pretend you didn't feed it a snack or two if you did! It could mess up this whole project!!

StarTama :blink:

*edit: you don't have to reset it as long as it is a baby that has NEVER had a snack in its life*
the easiest way to test that is to debug it

over like a five hour car trip or something like that (plane, whatever)

and sit there taking care of it

with debugging its really easy to take care of without giving it snacks

my debugged tama is 99 lbs off of meals alone! :D

but i kinda... lost my only v3.. heh..

so.. im sorry i cant really help that much..

just an idea, u noe?

-another random thought-

is nazotchi not a regular char on the v3? i didnt love m v3 that much so i didnt stick to it and such, but i thought since bill is an old secret char???

i dunno, ima v2 expert, not a v3 one.


If you are following this experiment please remember that conecting tamas for presents is a no no!!

They give out snacks!!

Also at rebelious stage, they can give presents on a normal visit so i wouldn't risk that either.

I will only connect with games, if at all.

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Thanks for that link dr_tam,

I can see that it used as a default when another Tama doesn't have the original character in it's memory.

Doesn't neccessarily mean you can't have it as a character too though.

It's highly unlikely we'll get Nazotchi, fun trying though!

It's all part of a learning curve and you never know till you try it ;)

Buffy x

Doesn't neccessarily mean you can't have it as a character too though.
i dont know 4 sure, but i think thats the point


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When Cody and Cathy leave me, I will try this out on one of my tamagotchis, maybe it will work! :)


Goodie! Lots of replies. Yes, good idea. They can give out snacks on the visits and then all your work will be ruined. Best don't connect it at all, or only when you are closely supervising!

StarTama :)

I was just wondering...People always say that to get a Nazotchi , you must NEVER feed any snacks. However, you'd think that with all these TamaTalk members, you'd have hundreds of people all trying NOT to feed their Tamagotchis snacks. Maybe we aren't as good at not-snack-feeding as I thought
It's not easy at all! when they refuse games and meals only answer is to catch poo! so it may well be as simple as not feeding snacks. I nearly lost nazo!

Nazo is a Patapatatchi :hitodetchi:

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