Entire Collection Pics


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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2006
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To everyone that has asked to see an entire collection pic, it's finally here! Although, it's still not an "entire" collection... I have 4 new ones coming in the mail, but they probably won't be here until sometime between the 15th and 18th this month. They are a 2nd Entama (yellow CIAO Memetchi), a Keitai, a CYOI Entama, and a TamaO. But that's okay!

A little background; I've been collecting for one year as of today. Seemed like an appropriate time to post the pics! :)

Entire BanDai Tama Collection

Tamagotchi Accessories (the socks are what I use to store my loose tamas in so they don't get scratched in the TamaTub ;) )

Other VPs (not BanDai)

The TamaTub! This is where all of my tamas are kept. It's a little disorganized in this pic... I was searching for something just before I took it :mellow:

So that's all of them for now. I am about 7 tamas away from having my "one of almost everything" collection complete. Sorry it took so long to post this!


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Wow KM - that is an impressive collection for someone who has only been collecting for 1year :D

I love the idea of storing loose tamas in baby socks to protect them :D

Your V3 Union Jack Flag tama is particularly fetching (my favorite) ;) :D

Yeah - nice pix :D

I see you have a few "square" ones - an orange, black and a yellow one... what are they? Are they really tamas?

I have never heard of square tams before - I thought the word tamagotchi was something to do with a little egg shape... ;)

(sorry if that is a stupid question... I am not a tama expert by any stretch of the imagination)

Yeah - nice pix :furawatchi:
I see you have a few "square" ones - an orange, black and a yellow one... what are they?  Are they really tamas?

I have never heard of square tams before - I thought the word tamagotchi was something to do with a little egg shape... :mimitchi:

(sorry if that is a stupid question... I am not a tama expert by any stretch of the imagination)
The Square ones are called Digimon. When tamas were first released, the were initially thought to be directed more towards girls. In order to appeal to both genders, BanDai also released the Digimon. It plays the same as a tamagotchi, but all the characters look more like dragons and lizards... something more often associated with boys. They are not spoken of as often, but are still BanDai produced, even having "From the Makers of Tamagotchi" written in big bold letters on the front of the box.

No, that was not, by any means, a bad question. It was actually a very good question! Thanks for asking! :)



My parents wouldn't let me get that many... but you don't have your parents telling you what to do! When I get older, I wanna be a big collecter. :) Kids say " Julie, you have to have a 4 sided shop; Tamagotchi Repair, Music Hall, Comedy Central, & Computer Expert-o!!" LOL

That's a good collection cmopared to mine... 1 year on Christmas. I have 7. 4 with me...

Want me to list them?? xD

~3 V3s with me

~1 V4 with me

~1 V2 on a plane... (long story)

~1 V3 stolen!!!!! :furawatchi: :mimitchi:

~1 V3 broken at BanDai

*Wow, you got quite an impressive collection, JF3334!* <- It's like... YEA RIGHT!!! xD

Though, I also have a new Giga Pet + a Littlest Pet Shop Kitty. :D


WOW YOU HAVE ALOT!!!!!!! I am seriousley DROOLING on my keybored for any of those cool tamas!! Is one of your tamagotchi V4's design have sunflowers on them? If yes, I think i have the same one :) !!

PS: the Tama Christmas Tree in your signature is REALLY cute!! and clever!

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*angry* I have 3 V1's 5 V2'S 7'V3's and I havent got any V4's yet

cool Km
hey do you have an Entama??
yes! The Entama is on the bottom right in the first pic. it's just above and right of the Tama School, directly next to the red Keitai Akai. I have another in the mail on the way too :D

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