Recent content by ablove5


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  1. ablove5


    what does DEBUGGED mean??? :huh:
  2. ablove5

    saying "NO" to the matchmaker

    i am thinking about saying no to the matchmaker, but if i say no, will my tama trannsform again... into an older tama or will it just die? are there any benifits of saying "NO" PLEASE HELP!!! -ablove5 :huh: :huh: -_-
  3. ablove5

    miss matchmaker?

    what happens if u miss the matchmaker!!!!!!!! :(
  4. ablove5

    Nubie the Tama

    Tamagotchi's Name: Nubie Tamagotchi's Age: 5 years Date of Birth: may 16 2006 Date of Passing: may 22, 2006 What Generation? 1 Your Comments: Nubie was the name of my 1st tama, ( it figures) Nubie grew up to be a memetchi, and was kind hearted. RIP 4ever! :D
  5. ablove5

    how do i get twins?

    i REALLY want twins too! i am just wondering if the "twin prosses" works on v3!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :chohimetchi: -ablove5
  6. ablove5

    how do i get twins?

    To get twins, can it be v3?
  7. ablove5

    HELP ME!

    thanx that helped a TON, it proved you can have twins... but i don't know if it is only on v2?!?!?! If you find any more info, write me ablove5 :kusatchi:
  8. ablove5

    What are the 7 codes?

    I LUV TAMAS!!! :mametchi: :puroperatchi: :kusatchi: DOES ANYONE KNOW ALL 7 SHOP CODES?!?
  9. ablove5


    I know i am obsesing about tama twins! :kusatchi: :puroperatchi: :mametchi: *Moved to What's On Your Mind? forum*
  10. ablove5


  11. ablove5

    What Happend To My Tamagotchi Toddler?!?!

    tamagotchi expert... I NEED YOUR HELP!!! Can you have tama twins on v3? :(
  12. ablove5

    HELP ME!

    Are you serius about the a and c button thing!!!! i want twins SOOOOOOO bad!!!!! IF YOU HAVE ANYMORE TIPS, TELL ME!!!! :( :(
  13. ablove5


    how many times has the matchmeker visited YOU!?!?
  14. ablove5

    HELP ME!

    someone help!!! anyone who knows if you can actualy have tama twins... PROVE IT Cann you realy have tama twins!! :( :( :(