Recent content by Cal188


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  1. C

    Just a new dutch girl on tamatalk

  2. C

    I'm new

    Hello, I'm new to tamatalk well i've been on for a couple weeks but i've never posted an "Introduction" so hello! :kusatchi:
  3. C


    But mine just had a kid so...
  4. C


    When does an adult die :huh:
  5. C

    research hatching

    I'll do sushi and tart when my next generation starts in a day or so. So at about 7:00pm Pacific time the matchmaker should come hopefully
  6. C

    How can I change my username on my Tamagotchi?

    You can't change your username srry
  7. C

    What Is My Tamagotchi Called?

    It's a mametchi ty
  8. C


    Hey I'm new here my name's Cal nice to join here.
  9. C

    What Is My Tamagotchi Called?

    Could you help me with mine it almsot looks like Chomametchi as an adult but mine is just teens but it looks like that almost I'm not to sure though
  10. C

    What happens....

    k thanks
  11. C

    If your tama gets taken away in class

    I sit by the door and the teacher is in the middle of the class most of the time she is hardly at her desk near the back of the class. So me and my friend beside me just take ours out and connect and junk lol it's so easy.
  12. C

    What happens....

    Ok thanx but I'm gonna wait for someone to verify that.
  13. C

    What happens....

    What happens if i press the reset button do I have to start all over again? :)