Recent content by Chocolate-Cake :)


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  1. C

    Computer Desktop

    Nice background! I made mine in paint. xD Or sometimes, I just save images from Google as my desktop background. (:
  2. C

    Computer Desktop

    Those are great, Disturbed! :marumimitchi: And thanks. :o
  3. C

    Computer Desktop

    Ooh, great! :furawatchi: Thanks for posting!
  4. C

    Computer Desktop

    I'm curious, so, what does your desktop background look like? Clickeh. :3 <---That's mine. :o Yeh...
  5. C


    Hey there! Welcome to TamaTalk! I'm new too. :D Enjoy the site. :lol: See you around! :o
  6. C

    Hello. :)

    Thank you! :o And thank you for the warm welcomes everyone. :lol: I appriciate it.
  7. C

    Which One Should I Get?

    I would definatly recommend the V4. I think it is the best version. :)
  8. C

    Do you play maplestory?

    How do you play/what do you do?
  9. C

    Hi All...........

    Hey! Welcome to TamaTalk. :D I'm new here too! Enjoy the site, it's awesome. :)
  10. C


    Hey, welcome to TamaTalk! I'm new here too! :)
  11. C

    Hello. :)

    Hey webkinz60. :) Thanks for the welcome! :)
  12. C

    Hello. :)

    Hey. ;) Thanks for the welcome! :D
  13. C

    Are cell phones allowed at your school?

    Yeah, they're allowed in my school. I take mine everyday. The only thing is, we can't have them on and out during school hours. But we do anyway, we just hide them. x)
  14. C

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    I'm wearing my pajamas. xD I got up a few hours ago. Saturdays are my pajama days. ;)
  15. C

    Hello. :)

    Hey everyone. ;) I'm Chocolate-Cake :D . Yeah, I like chocolate cake. :mimitchi: Anyways. I'm 13, I live in England, and I really like Tamagotchis. My favourite versions would have to be my V4 and V4.5. :D Sooo, hi! :(