Recent content by cleary's girl


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  1. C

    Have you ever been the target of..

    have you ever told your teacher you aren't doing this stuff? if it's your friends that are making the trouble, and if they're good friends, they would understand that you told your teacher. they would get that you don't want to be getting in trouble because they are the ones messing around. it's...
  2. C

    Do you plan on getting married?

    i might or might not get married. im more of a "in and out of hotel rooms with nobody" type of girl. not really the type to settle down. people don't get me. never have. might or might not get me in the future but either way, gotta be someone who gets me.
  3. C


    puberty is different for everyone. people start/end at different ages and stuff. just relax.
  4. C

    Are you emo?

    "emo" is just a label saying you cut yourself. not all emo people cut themselves, not all cutters are emo. my friends call me emo. just because i'm goth. i know a lot of people get goth and emo mixed up. seriously, look up emo on and you will see all these emo posers. not cool at...
  5. C

    This is weird

    i see that a lot of you are saying stuff like "they're messing with you" and "don't take it seriously." i disagree. if you think they are just messing around with you, tell them to cut it out. if you don't think they're joking (about the rape part) tell one of your teachers or your mom. if you...
  6. C

    getting over him

    if you don't like the guy you are going out with, break up with him because while you're going out, you're risking falling in love with him. that would be bad, don't want two heartaches at once, right? talk to this other guy! tell him you still like him, and why maybe? and that you cant get over...
  7. C

    Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

  8. C

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    i agree with kandi, that's what i do. of course, then some idiot pervs say im flat. in my head im screaming at them "first of all, why the heck were you looking, how should you know? and second, have you ever noticed how baggy my clothes are? you are an idiot perverted guy!" im not saying i care...
  9. C

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    everyday, i am at death's door. my friends all hate me, i am hated by so many people, my social status (though i dont care that much) is way down. its not just my social status though. my physical heath is pretty okay, i guess, my mental health, not quite as such. i have ocd, add, adhd, stuff...
  10. C


    most people hate getting sick. i have a friend who gets sick a lot. like, once a month. grr, she's one of my best friends and it's annoying when she gets sick because she is sort of like my ride to school sometimes so, yeah. getting sick-not very fun. but be thankful you aren't permanently sick...
  11. C

    too young for love?

    has anybody other than me ever gotten the feeling where everyone in the world is out to get you? my friends think im paranoid. i am not. but i do get that feeling, or at least, i used to. before i fell in love. this is gonna sound like i am some naive little girly-girl living in a fantasy...
  12. C

    would this betray my true religeon?

    i also want to add that it looks like you're a bit confused. let me explain this: wicca and witchcraft are different things. doing magik in the wiccan religion is more asking for help from the goddesses and gods. witchcraft is when you do magik for other things. i hope that helps you understand...
  13. C

    would this betray my true religeon?

    ok, i am wiccan and my parents, and everyone else in my family is like, different religions. i am the only wicca person in my family. do nothing you feel you have to, talk to your parents about your religion choicfe. you shouldn't have to be forced into a religion because it's the one your...
  14. C

    Do you plan on getting married?

    kandi, i know exactly what you mean. and everyone else who says no, too. but kandi's name pops out again and again in every topic i look at. i realize this is off topic (i ALWAYS get off topic) but kandi, you really give good advise and stuff, especially putting real-life ideas and experiences...
  15. C

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    Yeah, and i am, i guess in a way, both bisexual and pomo. my friends used to say things like "oh that's so gay" and stuff like that but i got them to stop saying it because i find it sort of offensive. hey, sweet kandi, thats interesting information, thank you for the separate definitions and...