Recent content by Digit_tama


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  1. D


    I'm on my old account, and It says two post for the Felix_tama account. Most of my posts are in Tama RP. Maybe RP posts don't count...
  2. D

    The Banning Game!

    I ban KouhiiTenshi for having a llloooonnnnggg name.
  3. D

    join my group hatching

    I would like to join, but I'm not exactly sure what to do. :D
  4. D

    Twins are no longer a myth

    It is strange how the picture is so blurry and that no one has heard from Tamaspoon for a long time. I do believe in twin tamas, because I've heard about other people getting them. I don't know about this one. I'll do some tests on that picture, too.
  5. D

    stars gunna die today!

    I know how you feel. Petal, my Tamagotchi, left at midnight on newyears eve, the first second of 2006. She had a baby boy the day before. I named him Digit. Petal was a <_< .
  6. D

    My Tamagotchi Left

    My Tamagotchi, Petal, had a baby! I knew she would leave in 24 hours but I really didn't want her to. She left at 12:00 midnight on Newyear's eve, in the first second of 2006. The next day(1/1/06) I got to name her baby boy. His name is Digit. Some people might think this is silly, but I cried...
  7. D

    My Tamagotchi Left

  8. D


    I found a site called and it listed all five codes. It also listed codes that did not work. But it gave a bunch of cheats that weren't really fair, like a way to change your Tama directly to an adult. I didn't try it though. :huh: