Recent content by EMiNENCE*


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  1. E

    Ideal man or women

    Somone who knows how to bring out my fun side.
  2. E

    Zodiac sign?

  3. E

    go out but got that crush

    I guess it's okay as long as its nothing more than a crush.
  4. E

    Are you in band?

    I'm just joined one..but i don't knwo what position I'm gonna be in. It's either bass or lead singer, I hope I don't have to sing =.= Last time I tried to sing in front of people I fell off the stage.;
  5. E

    Hot Topic

    It did have a tag..a Hot Topic tag o.o but on the inside it didnt say anything :/
  6. E

    Hot Topic

    I was at Hot Topic today with my friends and when I was looking for a good tee shirt I came across something weird.. I saw a shredded Hollister shirt with lipstick all over it o.0 my friend bought it for 19.99 and the cashier didn't say anything, he just took the money. Was that a scam when the...
  7. E

    What's your opinion of Hannah Montana?

    Um maybe cause she isn't 16 yet? And just cause they don't like her for her singing or acting YOU shouldn't make a big deal out of it. So what if they don't like it? Why should u care? It's not like you actually know the other members. You're saying you accept other people's opinions but from...
  8. E

    Worst song ever?

    Higher- Heidi Montag Officially thee worst song ever! I also don't like: teardrops on my guitar-taylor swift what hurts the most- cascada[ruined a perfectly good song by rascal flatts, not a big fan of country but still] no one- alicia keys HSM songs disney songs rap[good beat & all...
  9. E

    Hot Topic

    My sister works there so she could buy me things with her customer discount but i'm broke =.= I love their arm warmers && their tees. i have to give my sister money to buy averything cause my mom won't let me go in there. It makes no sense that my sis gets to work there yet i can't go...
  10. E


    Paramore's a great band. My myspace song is emergency too. [not to brag or anything] I went to one of their concerts just recently and they're even better live. i love hayley's voice and her hair lol.
  11. E

    peanut butter and jelly

    I'm not a big fan of peanut and butter sandwiches..but when i eat it seperately i like grape && rasberry jelly.
  12. E


    I'm new here in tamatalk :] I don't have a tama anymore so i guess I'll be in the [non]tamatalk section. I read the rules [well skimmed] and I think I get what I'm NOT supposed to do here.