Recent content by FiNcH


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  1. F

    Hide and Seek game code.

    Soz...i dont fink that hide and seek fing worked....well...not on my ver.3 anyway?!? :) ;) :huh:
  2. F

    The Book of Knowledge

    hi!!! im new im just wondering if you can use your souvenirs on the ver.3'z??? im really stumped on this one!! ;)
  3. F

    About this "ver.3" (reveiw)

    hi im new so i dont know much but i have a tama ver.3 and on tha instruction sheet it said you can get shop codes also like ther ver.2 but the ver.2 codes dont work so does any1 have the ver.3 shop codes?!? :blink: :blink: :D