Recent content by gabster2313


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  1. G

    Harry Potter

    there are soooo many rumors goin on i just don't know what to believe. I am really excited though cuz the new book is coming out tomorrow and i pre-ordered it from Borders. I am gonna start reading it as soon as i get it! I thinks snape is going to turn out GOOD but i still hate him for killing...
  2. G

    Harry Potter

    yeah the books are better because they have more detail.
  3. G


    hey everyone thanks for the screen names! Keep them comin. just PM me if u don't wanna give it out in the forum. Don't worry i am someone u can trust. I am just a kid!
  4. G

    Harry Potter

    yeah i heard about the play. I heard Daniel Radcliff had to be nude while riding a horse in some new movie in London. I also heard that in the seventh book ron and hermione and hagrid die but harry defeats lord voldemort. That will be a very depressing ending if that is what happens. I want...
  5. G


    hey everyone if you have and AIM please tell me because we can talk. I am on right now with my brothers account. I really would like to talk to someon. Reply as soon as possible! THANKS
  6. G

    Harry Potter

    yah J.K. Rowling is really brilliant. She has a lot of talent and creativity!
  7. G

    I am soo scared!

    Hey don't sweat it middle school will be fine. When I had to start middle school I was excited. You should focus on the positives of it all. Of course there are going to be hard times and some friendships might be lost but in the end it all turns out fine. Just remember to make friends and treat...
  8. G


    hasn't this happened to you before? That is a strange question. It happens all the time. NO BIGGEY!
  9. G

    Harry Potter

    O.M.G.! I luv the Harry Potter books and movies. I have read all the books and I pre-oredered the 7th book. I have seen and own all of the movies. I can't wait for the new book and new movie to come out. Sometimes I wish I could go to Hogwarts and learn magic. That would be soooo cool! :P
  10. G

    hamster lovers

    hamsters are really great even though they bite. My hamsters only bite when you stick your hands in their cage because they are territorial. I use gardening gloves when I pick them up out of their cage but I take them off when I hold them. Their bite hurts.
  11. G

    hamster lovers

    Hey all you hamster lovers! I wanted to make a special topic just for you. I started out with 2 hamsters and I thought they were both boys...I was wrong. One of them had babies so I seperated them. I put the father in a cardboard box that I got from a pet shop. It was only until I could get...
  12. G

    I'm really upset

    Emo means Emotional. It doesn't always mean you cut yourself. don't be afraid to wear what you want and like black and red. If your so called friend doesn't like it and thinks your emo she isn't a true friend. Tell her that a real friend would just like you for who you are not how you dress or...
  13. G

    how many boyfriends have u had?

    I've had like 20 or over and I am 12. Having a Bf is no big deal.
  14. G


    That has happened to me just wait and the male will soon from into an adult. If the matchmaker comes to your female before the male has evolved say NO. It should work out fine. Oh and you don't need the love potion to have them mate. Just keep connecting them and when they both have 4 hearts for...