Recent content by Huge Tama Fan


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  1. H

    How long have you had you tamagotchi?

    Does it count when your Tama runs out of Batteries and sits around draining every last bit for 2 months?! :) ? No dont worry it doesnt From Huge Tama Fan
  2. H

    V4 tamagotchi Question

    thanks alot you guys!! I really appericiate it. (I might of missed spelled it sorry) :)
  3. H

    V3 Bump trick!

    Thanks that helped so much i made it to round 8 and the highest round i made it to before i knew this trick was round 2. WOW!!!!
  4. H

    V4 tamagotchi Question

    Can you only use the cell phone with another v4? Or can you use it by your self? Can you also use it with a v3? thank you for helping me!!
  5. H

    How long have you had you tamagotchi?

    Thank you very much for helping me find out if every one is very in to tamagotchis or if only a few people are. Thanks again Huge Tama Fan :( :(
  6. H

    V4 tamagotchi Question

    How old do you have to be to use a cell phone? How old do you have to be to go to work? How old do you have to be to wear shoes, shirts, make up and wigs? HELP PLEASE!!!!! :( :( :(
  7. H

    V4 Tamagotchi Question

    So that means i have to stop pauseing it. Because i have been pausing it every day when i go to school. So do i put it in my locker or do i let my brother look after it? I need some help. :(
  8. H

    V4 Tamagotchi Question

    Hi I really need help I need to know how long it takes for a v4 tamagotchi to grow up because mine is taking so long. he is only 1 and i have had him for about a week now. Is it supose to tkae this long? Please help some one!!!!! :blink: