Recent content by Jordan380~


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  1. J

    The Legend Of Jale

    I can't add up very very >_< Sorry
  2. J

    So wat is your hair color?

    Mine is originally brown/curly. But after all of it, black/straight :furawatchi: Sometimes I ended up straightening up.
  3. J

    Word Ping Pong (1000)

    464. Trees
  4. J

    Rate The First Name Above

    5/10 Plain but simple :furawatchi: Yeah I can talk >_> Jordan
  5. J


    Sit-ups are really easy O_o If you want to get better at them, do 5 one day, 6 the next day and so on. Only continue to do it until you can't do anymore. Remember to do the maximum amount of reps you can.
  6. J

    Over Religious friend?

    Okay, this is one thing I want to point out. In theory, if the bible isn't a load of BS and what it says is true. Then Jesus had an encounter with lucifer in which jesus was accused of bribing people into becoming christian. Jesus said that he wasn't bribing people to become christian and he...
  7. J

    The Legend Of Jale

    Okay, here we go guys. If you could give me a ~/10 rating that would be great and please leave NICE comments. The Vorlan – Legend of Jale The streets haven’t always been like it is now, it used to be full of life, and there were always people in the markets, in the shops and in the parks. Now...
  8. J

    The Legend Of Jale

    Well in sense, they have come out of hiding in 1993. Before that, they feasted on animals and plants. I'm going to post the story now
  9. J

    The Legend Of Jale

    I have been working on a story the past couple of days and I ended up using it as my english coursework. I'll give the back story now, then i'll post the story later. So basically, it's about a clan of creatures which are called the Vorlan, they have been around since 1993. The story is set in...