Recent content by Jurperly


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  1. J

    Ball glitch please help!

    Whats the ball glitch??? How do i get the ball glitch please tell me!!! :(
  2. J


    What do you have to do to get the ball glitch? It seems rather funny. :(
  3. J


    Thanx :( I just marryed my yonepatchi to a kutchipatchi so will they be an easygoing family?
  4. J

    The 100 th generation!

    I dont really think thats true. Tamas can only go up to 99 Gen but if you really did (doutful) then awsom. :mellow:
  5. J

    Awwwww! SO CUTE!

    :marumimitchi: Awwww! Its so cute when your V5 bond% is 60% (mine is) and you press C the middle tama kisses the tama on the left then the tama onthe right and the tamas on the left and right kiss the middle tama and 3 hearts appear on top of their heads and the heats come together and form 1...
  6. J


    Guys i really need to know does the kutchipatchi family thing still happen if you've got a yonepatchi insted of a kutchipatchi? Thanks i f you answer. :mellow:
  7. J

    My v5 family

    :mellow: omg that is so freaky! did you siad you had ichigotchi, bakuchi and mamekatchi? Because i have ichigotchi, bakuchi and chamametchi! Freaky... :unsure: