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  1. K

    Tamagotchi Cell phone

    My tamagotchi has a cell phone in his inventory, and when I went to my tama's hirstory, a phone number was given to me, and it contained circles and half circles. When I tried using the cell phone, it told me to put in the number. How do you put in the number?
  2. K

    how many tamagotchis do you have

    I have 11. 2 V2's. 8 V3's. 1 V4.
  3. K

    Easiest stage to....................

    I prefer adults. More games, more usable items, they don't expect more from you... What else. Hum. Oh, and the characters are more interesting.
  4. K

    How meany?

    10. Soon to be 11. 3 V2s 7 V3s. Will soon have a V4.
  5. K


    Sasuke the Duck Butt. :3 A classic. <33
  6. K

    What kind of phone do you have!

    Cherry Chocolate Phone. [No pictures.] I got it about a month or two ago.
  7. K


    They sell them at almost any electronic store. I bought mine at Target. x] But you can always order it online and such.
  8. K


    When you debug a tamagotchi, you have the choice of choosing the species of your tamagotchi, and you can also speed up time. And yes, it does include opening your tamagotchi. Sometimes, if you aren't careful, it's possible to break your tamagotchi.
  9. K

    Is getting a Version 4 worth it?

    Thank you everyone. ;D   Maybe I will get one.
  10. K

    Is getting a Version 4 worth it?

    I just want to know if it really is worth it. I didn't really understand the comercial I saw on TV about the V4, so I'm interested in finding out what it has to offer.     And how much does it cost?
  11. K

    v4.5 picture

    AW. Cute. :mametchi: