Recent content by lovelitchixx


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  1. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    Christopher paused, waiting for a sensible answer to come into his head "......interesting, very interesting." he said thoughtfully.
  2. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    Christopher watched juan skip over to daphne. He glanced at fizz and picked up a slice of pizza. " you wanna a slice." he asked
  3. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    "So , what have you guys been doing for the past 5 years?" asked christopher
  4. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    " yes and i too know that your.....oh yeah fizz" he said with agrin " oh hi there juan...buddy!"
  5. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    Christopher leaned over to fizz " i know right although you can still tell who they are" He said and grinned
  6. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    Christopher stood around waiting for someone to come and speak to him. "no" he thought" I used to be the quarterback. I can talk to people." so he walked over to meldoy freaked out and walked back over to the food table to grab some of the pizza that had arrived
  7. lovelitchixx


    I do! Add me I'm brunette027 I know it is a gau name but i made it whe. I thought it was smoke t call myself a brunette when I'm blond :L
  8. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    "DAYUM!"Christopher thought to himself as he passed by Noah "Noah turned out fiiiiine!"
  9. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    Christopher walked over to the Table with all the food. " yum!" he thought as he reached over to grab a club sandwich. As he bit into it he realised that half the students looked so much alike to their senior selves. He could almost name everyone! There's felicity, fizz, jack,yawni,blythe...
  10. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    As christopher walked through the old gym gates he looked at his reflection in the window and quickly fixed up his hair. he took a deep breath and walked in. Everyone he remembered was there. "will be able to accept me?" he thought to himself. ooc: i started it!
  11. lovelitchixx

    High School Reuinion

    christopher Hamlington Age: 24 Gender: male Sexuality: Homosexual Occupation:owns and operates his own medical practice Looks: Blonde swept back hair. Bright green eyes. athletic build. Bio:Was the schools quarterback and one of the most popular and never understood his sexuality properly...
  12. lovelitchixx

    Marriage in Tama go

    Thanks!! yeah on was 6 one was 7 thanks
  13. lovelitchixx

    Marriage in Tama go

    i am not a new tamagotchi owner but i have come across a problem and i need help!! I have two tama go's one boy and one girl. i have connected them several times and now the simley faces have open mouths and there are 4 of them. It say in the manual that they can get married and everytime i...