Recent content by Mametchihatching123


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  1. M

    Hannah's Group is back!

    Hey! I have an Androtchi, :wacko: :wacko: boy, named Ash....and I think he's smokin'.... It's hard to tell, anyways, he'll be ready soon :)
  2. M

    Group Hatching! Any version welcome, :)

    ok, cool, I'll add your names to the list, please e-mail me what time you would like and i'll discuss it :D
  3. M

    Group Hatching! Any version welcome, :)

    Oh, yes I almost forgot, you can contact me at [email protected]
  4. M

    Group Hatching! Any version welcome, :)

    :rolleyes: My poor little Kupatchi just died, so I decided to make a group hatching, All versions are welcome for more variety. The more people the better! :unsure:
  5. M

    Group hatching!

    Actually I think I'll just start my own hatching, sorry :rolleyes:
  6. M

    Group hatching!

    I'll join in! I have 4 and my poor little Kupatchi just died :rolleyes: