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  1. M


    Hello, my tamagotchi is actually a teen, it's a urayoung-marotchi. I want to grow it into a Purimatchi. Is it possible? if so, can i make SURE i have this tama, and what other tamas could i possibly get if I try to get a purimatchi? thank you very much :furawatchi: P.S. i own a tamagotchi V4.5
  2. M

    Pause and growing...

    Hello, i have a question. My tamagotchi is brand new, currently a 0 year old toddler. I regularly put it on pause because i can't take care of it all the time. If i put it on pause, will it grow and age anyway? Thank you :D P.S. i own a V4.5 tamagotchi connection