Recent content by Miley~Rayna


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  1. M

    What's your name?

    Madison. lol, not rlly miley. thats my favorite name though. i was almost named alexis
  2. M

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Little cami jean shorts with shredded rips with cute cloth under it a black spagetti strap with little jewels on it a chain necklace with a blue turtle on it BRACES!! lol. My teeth jewelry 'Tis it. Kinda sad what I'm wearing since it's close to WINTER here. lol
  3. M

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    I don't know what size it is, but it's a little padded bra. I feel like I'm naked without it
  4. M

    first kiss?

    I'm 11, and I have a boyfriend, and for Christmas he's gettin a KISS!
  5. M

    Girl Confessions!

    lol, yeah. If there is a quistion that is personal, just put, Too personal, or, None Of your Business!!! LOL! Just answer them.
  6. M


    yes. I think it's safe. If you don't talk to people you don't know, don't give out ANY personal info, and put your profile on privet(only your friends can see it) your fine. BTW, you can block him so he can't add u as a friend again, he can't send you messages, ETC.!!! BE SAFE :) :( :(
  7. M

    Girl Confessions!

    1. Do you sleep in ur bra? 2. Are rumors going around about you? 3. Are you a spoiled brat? 4. Do you dress up on halloween? 5. Are you short? 6. Do you enjoy football games? 7. Do you wear makeup? 8. Can u put maskara on without opening your mouth? 9. Has anyone smacked your butt in the...
  8. M

    Most Painful/Scariest thing ever done to you?

    Painful and Scariest- When I was being an idiot, and I was playing around with a glass bowl in teh pool. I swam to the bottom, and rubbed it on the bottom, and found it made a cool noise. So I smashed it as hard as I could on the floor of the pool, still underwater, and felt a little stitch of...
  9. M

    Have you ever. . ?

    nuh uh. I already have a boyfriend, from school! And not on the internet. I just like a guy for their personality, and their looks, and on the comp, people lie, show fake pics, and I just can't get to know them like you can off the internet. But the answer is, No. ~Miley Edited because I...
  10. M

    Siggy colors?

    What colors can you do in your siggy? I see people use other colors than listed. Please help me and tell me any other stuff you can do in your siggy.I'm new, and I didn't know, and I couldn't find the color topic. Thanx Miley Edited- Oh, and I need the fonts too! Thnx
  11. M

    Bunny Torture!

    I decided to not call the police. I talked to me neighbors about it, and I said I would call this animal abuse program if they didn't have it taken out of their hands. I took the bunny, and now I have two. Thanks! The bunny they abused, was soooo sweet and I don't know how they abused it like...
  12. M

    Picture of you

    d3vil, you look good smiling ^_^ When I was little, I couldn't smile at all so I hated to smile. But now I love too! You are all so pretty! I will post my pics soon.
  13. M

    Omg I got an "F"!

    Excatly! I have never ever had an F on my report card, but I get just normal Fs on papers. Especially math. I have a "smart people" math, that they call pre-ap math (Advanced Placement) I HATE IT!!!!! I am sure not gonna be in Pre-AP next year :P Miley
  14. M

    Bunny Torture!

    I just called, and asked what happened, appiantly the neighbors are idiots. The bunny bit the little girl, and the little girl threw the bunny. I AM calling the police. Thanx guys!