Recent content by nicopod


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  1. N

    Newbie from France !

    Very good Miku ! Just one mistake : j'habite "en" Australie, not "a" ;o) My girlfriend lived one year in Sidney for their studies ! A bientôt les amis, passez une bonne journée !
  2. N

    Anyone plan an instrument?

    I play the guitar, harmonika, ukulele and a little bit tin whistle ! You can here me on my web site, on just clic on the instrument's name ! Nicolas.
  3. N

    Newbie from France !

    Thanks everyone ! I you want to speak french erinmktiger, it would be a pleasure !
  4. N

    Newbie from France !

    Thanks ! I don't understand why my images doesn't appear ? I've put the correct code... <_< (
  5. N

    Where are all the tamagotchis?

    you're not lucky, here in France they have them in toys shops ! I just bought one for me and one four my cousin !
  6. N

    Newbie from France !

    Hi ! I'm a newbie here ! I'm french, I'm Nicolas, and I'm 28 ;o) There is no age to play with tamagotchi ! I love them ! I bought a V3. She is a girl, named Meg. She just transformed into a penguin this morning : Meg the Billotchi But I gave her the stuffed animal, and she transfromed into a...