Recent content by Nikeesha


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  1. N

    do you wont to chose your character?

    hey, where did u get that avatar at?
  2. N


    Tamagotchi's Name: Anna, Anna Tamagotchi's Age:10, 10 Date of Birth:8/3/2005, 2/26/2006 Date of Passing:12/12/2005, 3/16/2006 What Generation?Adult Masktchi, Adult Megatchi Your Comments: i had one tamagotchi when 1 boy stole it from me and broke it, it was a MASKTCHI THAT I LOVED...
  3. N

    Do you like the Tamagotchi Version 3 commercial?

    I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: :D and i also LOVED the "Gotchi Tama Tama Gotchi" part!!!!!!! it was so cute!!! i also liked the v2 one.