Recent content by PanguinsandPiggIEs


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  1. P

    Your worst fear...

    It may seem Stupid but.... My wost fear is... Falling in gymnastics. Most of my friends say I'm stupid for doing it. Espically of beam and bars. Like... what if I flew back and missed the low bar and hit my face and had to get surgery or something... And on beam... what if I fell and hit my...
  2. P

    Tammy version 4-HElP ME!

    Hum. Have you closed out of the place where you get your login password from? This happened to me. If you close it out it will not accept the password because your login and logout passwords are... I guess you could say paired. So If you close out and try to log in with a new password... it...
  3. P

    what is the training?

    The Training is when you praise a tamagotchi or giveit a time out. Usually, the better training you have, the healither character you will end up with. :]
  4. P

    Hello Everyone!

    Hi! I am brand new to TamaTalk. So far its pretty cool. Everyone seems nice enough. I have been a Tamagotchi fan for a while and I was looking for a good tamagotchi website and found this one. :rolleyes: