Recent content by PARTY IN DESI'S PANTSS


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  1. P

    Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?

    Hmm Did i post here...Ehhh anyways They day you get married should be the best day of your life...Because you are spending it with the person you love And i dont think it should matter what the gender of that person is as long as you love them who cares?
  2. P

    Meeting People From TT

    Oh Boy I remember When me Britt Alex xD Jordan I think FeeBee And I think Sarah and Soha abd Chrissie Were gonna meet up in spring x.x But things changed and people faded away Right now I wanna meet Britt(Ehh not meet xD We are family but i wanna see her x[) SARAH FeeBee Dalton xD and...
  3. P

    Internet dating

    Title says it all.... I just think yes it might be weird but if you Really do Like the person then who cares? It might not last but who knows? What do you think?
  4. P

    Sex Before Marriage

    I thought of this like 20 min. After i posted this how i dont wanna have Sex untill after i am married xD My user name is Party in Desi's pantss xD and i find that funny x,x Sorry A bit of randomness
  5. P

    What's your name? What about nicknames?

    My name is Desiree I think i have like 3 Nicknames Desi- Hmmm I dont know who started that to tell the truth but it was someone From here So xD I dont know my mom hates it And she would like me to tell you all that she hates the name Desi o.o(My mom is standing over my back right now) I also...
  6. P

    i have something to ask.

    FeeBee I love your post and it made me think of someone xD Anyways To me i dont really care It has to be someone i just really like not because they are "Cool" But i dont know thats just me...I want someone to be themself x.x But i dont really know I think everygirl has her own point of view on...
  7. P


    Oh my...It hurts bad xD Right now im on it and i am VERY moody when im on it x.x Like my mom will be like "Hey how was your day?" And im just like"MOM LEAVE ME ALONE GOSH I DONT WANNA TALK TO YOU."~Mom gives a WTF look~"WHY WONT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE I JUST DONT WANNA TALK ABOUT IT OKAY?" xD then...
  8. P

    Sex Before Marriage

    Okay Too me I do and i dont Because i have a purity ring and i dont want to back out on that I want to make sure i can trust the person im with and not just give it away, And for me i dont care what other people do with there lifes Its not mine i can not tel them what they can or cant do. But...
  9. P


    At my old school This one girl was Bisexual and at first people made fun of her but about 2 months later Every girl in my school was Bisexual...I think most of them did it to "Fit in" But who knows i cant sit there and say they really are not Because i dont know that...To me Im straight But if...