Recent content by peytatama


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  1. P

    names 4 my tamagotchi

    I think Keira is a really cool name, it's also my cat's name! :)
  2. P

    what's wrong with my tama?

    My v4 Tamagotchi goes to school and plays games a lot, and he should be getting skill points for that, but the number just stays the same. I can't figure out what's going on!
  3. P

    how do you get your signatures to look cool?

    yay! thanks guys!
  4. P

    how do you get your signatures to look cool?

    ok i'll try that...
  5. P

    If you could change you username

    I would probably pick something like .:.:.:sportchic:.:.:. or ().animalluvr.()
  6. P

    how do you get your signatures to look cool?

    When I put in that I want my signature to have a certain color, impact font, and larger size, it doesn't work and the signature just stays plain. How do you guys get it to work?
  7. P

    What is your favorite sport?

    My first favorite is soccer, but basketball comes in a close second. What's yours? :furawatchi:
  8. P

    Compliment the person above you.

    I like your signature!
  9. P

    Hello people of the world!

    ilovekuchipa555- Thanks for replying!!!!! ^_^ I like cheat codes and shop codes. :lol:
  10. P

    Hello people of the world!

    Hey, I'm new to tamatalk, so do you have any suggestions for cool posts to reply to? I'll check em' out! :lol: :lol: :lol: ^_^
  11. P

    Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!

    at my school, at the end of the day your parents can sign you up for afterschool if they work later than when schools out for the day. I go there, it's at the YMCA. I just pause my tamagotchi and hide it in my backpack until then, because my afterschool allows it, so if you go to afterschool...