Recent content by pigmy_tiger


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  1. P

    Petpet Laboratory Map

    I bought a petpet lab map but unfortunately then I didn't know that you had to have the secret lab map to be able to use it so I gave it to my friends account seeing as she had just bought a secret lab map. In return she said that she would zap some of my pets for me. :furawatchi:
  2. P

    Chocolate neggs not allowed in Neggery..why?

    When a negg has the word chocolate in it then unfortunately you can give it to the neggery for chocolate negg are only for eating. :furawatchi: :furawatchi:
  3. P

    Enter how many neopoints you have!

    Why did you have to buy the baby paint brush :furawatchi:
  4. P

    Enter how many neopoints you have!

    I have just over 250k, I am trying to save up for a faerie paint brush :D