Recent content by pigtailgoddess


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  1. P


    Oooh! I just posted something like this and didn't even see your post until afterwards! I mentioned a DS version. I would LOVE a full color version and I think the DS would be a perfect platform for Bandai to make it happen on. Plus, as a DS game cartridge there would be a better capability...
  2. P

    Growing Up

    Dude, I'm 27 and I have no intention of giving up my love of tamagotchis or anything else people say is juvenile. I still love Hello Kitty, toys, cartoons, action figures, etc. The nice thing about getting older is you start caring less and less about what other people think and start doing...
  3. P

    tamagtchi love..

    :( I find this happens with most of my toys. I kinda go through them in cycles. I have numerous computer games, video game systems, electronic gadgets, etc. I think it's ok for that to happen because you stop playing with one thing for awhile, pick up something else for a bit and then start...
  4. P

    Tamagotchi for DS?

    Does anyone know if Bandai ever plans on coming out with a tamagotchi for the DS? I'm talking about the actual virtual pet, not the Corner Shop games. I'd love to see a full color virtual pet tamagotchi for the DS! *drool* Think of all the characters, games and interactivity that could be...
  5. P

    How to Get Special Characters on V5?

    Thanks *~tamacrazy~*! I was the other person who had the same question. I figured it out the other day after I spent the better part of 2 hours inputting codes into my V5 to get items and food. Do you know anything about the pets though? Maybe you only see them if you get the pure family...
  6. P

    My ichigotchi's gone crazy!

    Well I know Ichigotchi is known for dancing. Once I had an Ichigotchi and she'd run around the screen and then fall on her face. Maybe it was just one of her funny dances? :P
  7. P

    Are there only 4 types of parents?

    Thanks everyone! I'm starting to understand how it works a little better now! :P
  8. P

    Tama V5 pets & special characters

    I saw the great chart of the Famitama characters on and was wondering about the pets and special characters: I see that the 4 main families (Mametchi :( , Memetchi :huh: , Kuchipatchi :huh: , and Furawatchi :blink: ) all have pets listed. Are these characters you can...
  9. P

    Do not try this on your V5.

    Maybe they needed to be at 100%? Also I think you have to mate Makiko with a Mumutchi to get a pure family from them and I think they might have to be at 100% also. I'm not sure who you mate Kuromametchi with tho.... :blink:
  10. P

    Are there only 4 types of parents?

    So when I went on the dating show and my hatsugotchi picked a furawatchi mate, they ended up turning into a Mametchi family. Why is this? How come they didn't stay the same? Can they only turn into a Mametchi, Memetchi, Flowertchi or Kuchipatchi family? And what about the Gozarutchi family...
  11. P

    My V5 cant go to the dating channel ?

    Yep, the same thing happened to me. It took about 2 days for the matchmaker to let me do the dating show. And I had to stop using the travel function. :P
  12. P

    Allow myself to introduce.....myself

    Hey there! I just got a Tamagotchi V5 last weekend and have been looking around online for info about it. I came across this site and found a lot of helpful information so I decided to join. I have 3 other tamagotchis (the original, Angelgotchi and Tamagotchi Connection) so I'm a big fan of...