Recent content by Pink_sparklz393


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  1. P


    ninja guy is awsome dont mock him!!!! :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi:
  2. P

    Tamagotchi V4

    there isn't gonna b a v4 its to get new designs for v3!! DUH STUPID PPL
  3. P

    golden tama hunt

    Go to then go to the mall and into lucky tama toys and click on the golden tamagotchi poster and it will tell u whast to do
  4. P


    :furawatchi: Everone knows that if its black with a white cap its a boy and that if it is white with a black cap its a girl :furawatchi:
  5. P

    Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.

    At my school I am allowed to bring mmy tamagotchi into class! ;)
  6. P

    Is Leaftchi rare?

    To get Leafitchi feed ur tamagotchi bread and tart its whole life from Baby to Teen so when its an adult it turns to Leafitchi :o
  7. P

    Tamadex V3 Project!

    Gender:Boy Teen:Young Mametchi Generation #:1 :o