Recent content by Plumbeck


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  1. Plumbeck

    Tamagotchi Connection Screw?

    I just got an old V1 Tamagotchi Connection off of eBay but the screw was in pretty bad shape, I finally was able to remove it but i don't want to reuse it incase it gets any worse. Does anyone know about replacement screws or what kind of screw I'd need to replace it?
  2. Plumbeck

    Best tamagotchi without the need of add-ons?

    This is why I was looking at the colour but the IDL also caught my eye, just wasn't sure if that was one of the ones tied down by downloadable content. :huh: But yeah, I have been looking at alot of youtube videos, I'm pretty sure I won't be getting a P's anytime soon! aha.
  3. Plumbeck

    Best tamagotchi without the need of add-ons?

    Hello everyone! I'm sure you guys have been asked similar questions in the past but I was wondering what the best colour tamagotchi would be if you remove all add-ons, pierces, downloads etc. I really love the idea of some of the colour tamagotchis but I have no access to infrared / NFC and...
  4. Plumbeck

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    I caved and ordered the Sanrio M!X. I'll consider it a birthday gift to myself :')
  5. Plumbeck

    Tamagotchi M!X - New Bandai Trademark

    I literally just bought my Anniversary M!X yesterday! Now they come out with this? Well. Guess my tamagotchi collection will start with two new mix tama's lol.