Recent content by ReiSarufight!


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  1. R


    Who has seen the musical wicked?If so who was elphie and them?I have its great! Anyone been backstage?Pictures? :D
  2. R

    I'm feeling giddy today. ^^

    Well, I first go online and post here (That ALWAYS MAKES M EHAPPYY!!!) and then i yell randomness at the top of my lungs...then i get all emoish!
  3. R

    Rei's Tama log!

    THX I was about to post on my slow computer in RP and guess what?? The matchmaker! I mated with a Robogotchi and got a girl, I am going to name her Ayshu Shourt for Aiyishus she will stay with aby for another 2 days or so before she leavs. At school, i brought my tamagotchi one day and the...
  4. R

    Rei's Tama log!

    Today is a school day and it is 744 AM Well cant bring her to school so must leave her here G2G Rei
  5. R

    Zoria's Tama Log!

    Awww, SO sorry bout that!
  6. R

    What animal r u?

    I never got mine Gray Singing/Acting quiet places and forests
  7. R

    What Is Your Themesong?

    Ok, I found out the name, Its called follow me by jamie lynn spears... I love that song,, anyone know where i can get it?
  8. R

    Hmm, What happened?

    Do you have any scary stories that happened to you, or just scary stroies in general?
  9. R

    What Is Your Themesong?

    Honestly I like the Zoey101 theme song an dit matches me!
  10. R

    DO NOT ___ tamas,,,

    Thanks for the warnings Pinefir and I do belive some people owe you an apology, it was quiet rude of them to trash you for trying to help so if anyone wants to be sorry please post now.
  11. R

    Rei's Tama log!

    Hallo!I'm ReiSaruFight! Call me Rei!As you may know if you RP with me I am the former Crowfrost, I have 5 tamagotchi's and i love them very much here is the stats Pink Stripes v4- Working, Aby v3 Yellow with stars- Out of batteries Green w/ Flowers, V3- Out of battery Blue with Butterflies...
  12. R

    Zoria's Tama Log!

    AWWW, you named one crowfrost?LOL
  13. R


    OKIf you insist I have 2 dogs (Collie and Dachund) 2 fish ( Placousimus (Sp) and Catfist) and two hamsters Cookie and cream! (Cookie has gotten lost 2 times!!)
  14. R

    Do you have any webkinz?

    I have 1! Its name is Polarice, I'm Crowfrost!
  15. R

    Neonpaw of willowclan

    SO how is my story so far? Who is your favorite character? What should happen next? any ideas? THX!!