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  1. R

    how to get a masktchi or megatchi!

    u know you could just let it have onily 2 hearts full for the whole time its alive
  2. R

    Think Your Tamagotchi is Ugly?

    that is so wrong
  3. R

    How to get new stuff in the shop... your self!

    thanks so much now i have all the plane tickets and fishing pole :mellow: :( :mametchi:
  4. R

    how to get mametchi

    i've had the stinking mametchi for 22 generations and i'm so sick!!!!!!!! :mellow:
  5. R

    LILYGIRL's tama advice (codes)

    Tama Eat Their Poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) oh yeah one time i saw my maskogotch :) eating poo, but sadly after that he died :)