Recent content by samsung


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  1. S

    blank black screen beeping

    My new tamagotchi connection has been beeping and blank black screen for the past 2 hours what should i do
  2. S

    beeping and blank black screen

    my connection has been beeping and blank black screen for the last 2 hours what should i do
  3. S

    Tamagotchi Yasashii

    what is the best way 2 play and get money i can't figure it out
  4. S

    Tama Adventures (The best Thanksgiving)

    or join gotmud? at if u are 18 and older
  5. S

    Tama Adventures (The best Thanksgiving)

    join aim thats fun 2 talk 2 more people
  6. S

    sob.. I miss my dad!

    I missed my dad when he went 2 the hospital on halloween
  7. S


    I know i hate those things my tamagotchi hates them
  8. S

    geting a tamagotchi another

    Whats on my mind is geting another tamagotchi I love them