Strawberry Frills


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Hello! I'm Nunu~ Some of you lovely people may remember Kawaii~Mametchi from one or two years ago. Well, that was me! I'm finally getting into my Tamagotchis again, so I thought I'd just reregister and start fresh! So yes!
♥I like...
Sweet Lolita, Angelic Pretty, Versailles Philaharmonic Quintet, Alice in Wonderland, sparkles, Kokusyoku Sumire, Dior, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Nina Ricci, the GazettE, My Little Pony, the 80's, the Victorian Era, My Chemical Romance, blogging, Kanon Wakeshima, classical music, Fairy Kei, Spank!, the Rococo era, Disney, wacky coloured hair, drawing, Emilie Autumn, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, marshmallows, Tumblr, sweets deco, Sanrio, Mezzo Piano, fashion, Classic Lolita, Innocent World, Poupee Girl, Visual Kei music in general, perfume, fairytales, Cinderella, Nile Perch, Polly Pocket, decoden whip, sewing, Cosplay, painting, collecting things, Art and being different in general.

♥I dislike...
Weaboos, bullies, conformists, Rap music, Reggae music, insects, Chavs (or whatever you want to call them), woodwork, Anemia, the mobile phone I currently own, people who steal my artwork, rain, war, the beach, snow, wind, heavy school bags, people who constantly swear, coats and being ill.

♥My favourite brands...
Angelic Pretty, Mezzo Piano, Spank!, Nile Perch, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Innocent World, Spank Me!, Ticket to Darling, Dior, Nina Ricci, Milklim, Alice and the Pirates, Sanrio, San-X, Hell Bunny, Galaxxxy, Listen Flavour, Metamorphose Temp De Fille, Shampoo, h.NAOTO, Katie, Baby Ribbon, Victorian Maiden, Bodyline, Swimmer, Rilakkuma, Moi Meme Moitie, Disney and La Parfait.

♥I listen to...
Versailles, Kokusyoku Sumire, Kanon Wakeshima, An Cafe, The GazettE, 2NE1, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Lady Gaga, Vocaloid, My Chemical Romance, Hizaki Grace Project, Kaya, Alice Nine, Green Day, Pixie Lott, KanonxKanon, Lc5, SuG, Bruno Mars, Take That, Paramore, 30 Seconds to Mars, Adele, Emilie Autumn, Ellie Goulding, Golden Bomber, Plastic Tree and Nicki Minaj~

And, a few notes:-
RIP Jasmine You, you will be forever in our hearts♥
I am hoping to go to Bunka with my friend Alice, so please support us!
And visit my blog at
June 1