Recent content by Super Princess


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  1. S


    :ph34r: Witch num.1 :rolleyes: Witch num.2 :wacko: Witch Doctor :ph34r: and :mametchi: both get a baby. :wacko: accidentally switches the witch babies.After a few years, :ph34r: and :mametchi: come to complain about it. :ph34r: :Why did you switch our babies? :mametchi...
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    Who likes The Diary of Teresa the Furawatchi?

    Oh yeah,this might be a little late...I forgot to make this topic.
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    Who likes The Diary of Teresa the Furawatchi?

    Anyways,who liked it?Bad comments are also appreciated.(I need to know what I have to work on.) A BIT OFF TOPIC:Wow,after my The Diary of Teresa the Furawatchi,there's been ALOT of these....diary stories. :P
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    The Diary of Teresa the Furwatchi

    Monday,10th September,2006 Dear diary, Here's a rhyme I made up: My sister is so boring, When she sleeps,she is snoring, I wish she wasn't here, To shout up in my ear, "HEY!AREN'T I ADORING?" Haha.Very funny, Teresa Tuesday,10th September,2006 Dear Diary, Sigh,I can't write in my...
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    :P Mimitchi(hates Nazotchi) ;) Pochitchi ;) Nazotchi :P :I am a bunny. ;) :I am a dog. :P :What am I? :P :I know!You're a big idiot!
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    The Diary of Teresa the Furawatchi

    Thursday,7th September Dear diary, Wow,The Test was hard.Really hard.I bet I got only one answer right.I keep thinking about that one question,that was the hardest.It was a math question.It was: 111+1111+111111+11+1111=? Would you think of the answer?I would never!I hope next year The Test...
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    The Diary of Teresa the Furawatchi

    Monday,4th September,2006 Dear diary, Annie still has the chicken pox.I have to study really much,because I'm gonna have The Test on Thursday.Our teacher will be Mr.Tamason,who is the most annoying teacher in the world!Oh,my phone is ringing, Teresa Tuesday,5th September,2006 Dear diary, A...
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    hey everybody! do u want to be my friend?

    Uh...Welcome?You joined 9th of August. :furawatchi:
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    The Diary of Teresa the Furawatchi

    Hello.I am a :furawatchi: called Teresa.This is my diary. Thursday,September 1st,2006 Dear Diary, Today was the best day of my life!Todd the :furawatchi: asked me out!He's so handsome!I thought he would ask Lisa the :huh: !But he asked me!I can't belive it!I can't wait for Saturday!I...
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    Hi!Hope you have fun with your new account!
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    Terve Kaikki!

    I am Super Princess,but I'm not a real princess(of course not).I would like some friends.I have two tamagotchis.I would have written this yesterday,but my dad wouldn't let me. XOXO, Super Princess