Recent content by swt_angle1553


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  1. S

    What design ideas or themes would you like to see?

    ^_^ :angry: :D :D CAMOFLAGE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! it would look like...awesome!!!! :D :D :D :D hehe...sometimes,i go instant... ^_^ ----------------------------->>>> anyways, do u ppl hav msn? u want more ppls? u can add me on the list! :D it's...
  2. S


    :kuribotchi: thx so much!! i realli needed help!! :hitodetchi: :wacko: thx!!! if there's anything u need help, then check here, i'm getin uses 2 the thing tamatalk thing! ;) so anyways u hav msn? wht's your e-mail, u want 2 chat on msn 2?
  3. S


    :D i'm so gald someone (u) told me at least something!! but thx anyways 4 your help! :angry: but guess wht, my sis helped me find a picture n the quote thing!! i just need help with the colour thing now,like u no the words u type? ya, i need 2 no how u change the colour like make the words...
  4. S


    u really tried it!! omg!! :rolleyes: i can't belive u!! i would hav never done tht in a millon years!! :angry: poor tama! i srry but i'm just so pinged off tht i really did that!! *Edited: Found a better word to express you discontent :angry: *
  5. S

    I know this may be rude....

    :D i'm so happy someone will help u tamagocrazy! i want 2 too, but i don't hav a account n plus,even if i had a account neopets wouldn't wrk 4 me. :angry: :angry: i'm srry but i gald u ppl r friends! :D (at least it seem u ppls r... :rolleyes: )
  6. S


    ok,i no this has nothin 2 do with the whole tamagotchi talk thin but i really REALLY need 2 no how u made the words u type in colur.someone please tell me,cause i tried soo much times but it just won't work!! B) B)
  7. S

    What the heck is a Blinkie

    i'm srry tht i don't have a picture of one, but i had one once. it's like a potato. it's a girl toy and when it sleeps, it only sleeps for 5 seconds so it's really annoying. :gozarutchi:
  8. S


    :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: i don't get anything here! can someone help me?!?! 1--what games?where do u play them? 2--how do u get a picture?!?! 3--u know how there is always a quote after someone is done sayin/typin something?how do u have that thing there? do u just type it yourself...