Recent content by tama-nicole


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  1. T

    Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.

    how about since we ALL have different ideas we dont start critessixeing other people for wat they said. every body has they're own opinion so dont start saying bad stuff about one person just because you dont like wat they said. tamtalk is so people can talk about tamas not so we can fight. im...
  2. T

    Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.

    think about it 4 a few secs. would you rather be hobo living on the streets because no one will give you a good well paid job becuase your never did college or a wealthy person who owns a big buisness because you got the full education you need? and plus your parents have you in school to learn...
  3. T

    Need help with games

    if your tama wont play games head a snack or 2 then it should play
  4. T

    Warning! Atenndion all V3 owners! Please read!

    well i bought both and they worked but the second time they broke! :P
  5. T

    i'm new

    hello peolpes and tamas(hehe). i'm tama-nicole and i'm new. i've already posted some stuff and just want a few tips about this web site. thanx-tama-nicole :huh:
  6. T

    is there a item when u get 10 points a min

    i,ve never heard of nore seen anything like that . it may be just a lie
  7. T

    OMG V4!

    NO! they didn't say which tama V it was for. they didn't state which 1 the designs were for. :mametchi:
  8. T

    is v8s fake

    somebody told me that there were V8's on ebay but i looked and i got no items so it doesn't seem like there are. i DID see V7 and they WE NOT fake. i dont know y they had then cause V4 hasn't even come out.