Recent content by TamaNewbieWasTaken


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  1. TamaNewbieWasTaken

    So what's the deal with Gigapets?

    Ok, thanks for your response! :lol:
  2. TamaNewbieWasTaken

    So what's the deal with Gigapets?

    Hi! I've got a question, are Gigapets worth it, or are they just a knock off Tamagotchi? I know some people really like them, but I'm not sure if its better than the average Tamagotchi ripoff. Thanks! (also the reason this is here is I didnt know where else to post it lol)
  3. TamaNewbieWasTaken

    Question for buying a Tamagotchi

    Hi! I'm unsure weather there's any good place to get a Tamagotchi ON, because I really want one, and they're discontinued. However, I'm currently considering buying a Pix. Do you think the Pix is a fine replacement, or should I save up for an ON?
  4. TamaNewbieWasTaken

    Good Starter Tamagotchi?

    Hello! As you can tell by my username, I'm new to the Tamagotchi franchise. I want to get a Tamagotchi, but I don't know which one. I'm looking for something affordable. BTW, I have experience with Virtual Pets, I have a Digimon Ver. 20th :ichigotchi:
  5. TamaNewbieWasTaken


    Hey! I'm trying to get into the Tamagotchi craze right now, I might be about 20 years too late :biggrin: My dream tamas: - Tamagotchi ON - I haven't put much thought into this, have I LOL:unsure2: Anyway, I've been wanting to join this community for a while, and I'd appreciate any...