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  1. T

    my tama diesd od a unreversible sickness

    it did not have a skull for your information and it hapoend to another one of my friends
  2. T

    my tama diesd od a unreversible sickness

    please tell me why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. T

    my tama diesd od a unreversible sickness

    ok i have a a tama right ? and they get sick still eith me? i cant do anything with the buttoons and the same thing happens to the other tama ok i want to know why? and im sorry about my comment very bad time to joke
  4. T

    my tama diesd od a unreversible sickness

    um what about the unreversible tama dissease i want to know what happend to her tama please tell me :)
  5. T

    my tama diesd od a unreversible sickness

    comnecting with had the same this happen to her oh my tamagotichi aids gasp why !!!!!!!!
  6. T

    tamagotchi V2 and V1 group hatching

    i have a version one and im getting version two :furawatchi: